View Full Version : some advice please.

02-20-2012, 01:57 PM
Hey all
its been a while since iv been on here, over the last couple of months iv been living day by day with very little to no anxiety at all
however over the last couple of days my anxiety has gone up a bit, i think i know why its gone up and thats because my sister is close to giving birth

but the thing is im not directly worrying about it, i dont think about it at all, its just there at the back of my mind

so over the last couple of days i have been having sad/down feeling which has bought on my anxiety on a little bit
also i have gotten more sensitive and been have major bad stomache pain

so i was just wondering if there is anything i could do
or if anyones has a take on this
any advice will be much appreciated


02-20-2012, 02:17 PM

Long time, no see :) But it means good things are usually happening when people visit less. Me? I'm not a big fan of cold wet english weather, so roll on the spring and I'll get outside!

This one sounds like no biggie, ya know. It just sounds like some tension is there, which is really inevitable. I felt like this often when I was getting over stuff. The mind is still slightly unsure how it will handle things, what with it having a period of uncertainty.

These are evidence moments. Your mind will use this as evidence in it's recovery. Even if you don't do anything. It'll file it as Tense time: Got through it. We all need them on the path to recovery.

As I said, it really just sounds like some tension. I get like this before I have a big event coming up too. I have to make an effort to release that tension. Exercise and relaxation is great. If you're healthy, run it out, or pump some iron. You could also try some relaxation. Some progressive muscle relaxation helps me a lot. Yoga Nidra is a longer, guided tape, that just really relaxes the mind.

Other than that, try to just step back and allow your body to do what its gotta do. It's learning to put the auto pilot back on. It's still a little unsure though. Are things ok, or arent they? Do I, don't I? Don't worry, whatever you feel, whatever happens, you pass the test. The mind just remembers it in black and white. Did this event kill me? No... Then I handled it! It's still got that tad of worry though, after the fight or flight was turned on, that it won't make it. But thats so normal.

All the best to your sister, man.

02-22-2012, 10:44 AM
hey jessed
thanks for the reply, sorry i haven't been able to reply back myself for a while, iv had no internet access for the last few days

yeah im so looking forward to spring/summer aswel, will be my first as iv always preferred winter until this year :)

iv been feeling better the last couple of days, and yeah i have released its sub-conscious worry that passes,
so yeah must just have been tension

cheers mate, id let her know but i don't speak to her

02-22-2012, 05:05 PM
of coarse its normal to feel anxious for others as well as your self i think this is jsut a blip a certain anxiaty to let you know its still there.