View Full Version : People with physical symptoms, what does alcohol do?

02-20-2012, 01:27 PM
So as I explained in my other thread, I am feeling dizzy and weird ...

I was taking AD's from August to December last year, and I haven't drank for 8 months, but 3 days ago I had a few beers and feel like I'm not completely sober yet, its very scary...

02-20-2012, 01:29 PM
maybe your meds are intensifying the effect? i know that my meds do, im drunk off one beer. although i dont really drink at all. i dont know thats really all i can think of..

02-20-2012, 01:32 PM
I said I haven't been taking AD's for 2 months now... and there is no way I can get a hangover for 3 days from a few beers......
I have been completely wasted in my life, to the point I almost died of alcohol poisoning, and even then the hangover lasted just a few days, I'm no lightweight.

02-20-2012, 01:35 PM
oh im sorry i had to red it over. sometimes i feel my vision is off and i cant focus on anything. i actually felt like that for like a week at a time and i thought my blood sugar was too high. but i got that from webMD which im not aloud to go on because i tend to think i have every illness there is lol.

02-20-2012, 01:39 PM
Yes thats exactly how I'm feeling.. like my vision is off and cant focus..

Did you have this after drinking a few beers? Does it happen often for you? Have you been taking AD's? Do you have GAD?

02-20-2012, 01:42 PM
Yes thats exactly how I'm feeling.. like my vision is off and cant focus..

Did you have this after drinking a few beers? Does it happen often for you? Have you been taking AD's? Do you have GAD?

it happens somewhat often, just drink lots of water. i take celexa and seroquel, and i do GAD and i guess mildly bipolar. im still learning how to cope with all my symptoms. i never sleep either

02-20-2012, 01:47 PM
When you have anxiety, anything alien you put into your body, will confuse the hell out of it. People become unable to smoke cigarrette's, drink alcohol, exercise, take vitamins, all kinds of strange stuff that they did before. Just because the body gets scared when any kind of physical change happens. It's nothing we can really control mentally.

It's on high alert, and a drug it hasn't seen in a year has been put back into it, and it's freaking it out, spiking your blood sugar, depressing your body. It's still probably rebalancing itself after the AD. A bought of caffeine or nicotene, or drugs or alcohol can cause all these subtle changes, and the body then shoots it with adrenaline, spikes blood sugar, breaths differently, all these subtle things. That change can take a week just to settle down.

I get the similar way when I drink beers. It's a case of alcohol worsening anxiety that is already there, putting the bodys alert system up a little higher. Some anxiety never really goes physically. It just becomes very easy to deal with mentally and physically, but changes can stir it up.

I drink rarely now because of that. Some people just stay very very sensitive for a long time after anxiety. For some it never goes down, and they always have to be careful with minor things like a cigar or a few drinks.

Everything is 10-fold with anxiety. It's MAX alert. There is no such thing as 'Just a couple of...' for many people after they've suffered. It is what it is. Maybe your body just needs more time. Maybe it's unrelated.

I remember you had a lot of problems with head pressure and dizziness and stuff. I was the same for a long time. I had to live like a freakin' monk when I came off AD's and tried to recover. I struggled to even eat chocolate or drink a cup of tea. Too many issues with vision, dizziness, headaches... Made it just not worth it in the end.

I hated it. I just had to make peace, ya know? It's not like we have a choice. It can feel like a bully at time... Having to tip-toe around it and such.

02-20-2012, 01:52 PM
Actually, I can do all those things you listed without any problems at all except alcohol, I smoke a lot, I've been smoking for years and that doesn't affect me at all, neither does exercise or vitamins....

So I need to know exactly about alcohol what it does to me because I feel really strange right now for 3 days now...

02-20-2012, 02:06 PM
Actually, I can do all those things you listed without any problems at all except alcohol

That's because alcohol is the more taxing of the bunch.

In short, the main ways alcohol messes with anxiety, is blood sugar. When you've had issues with confusion, blurred vision, headaches, dizziness, light headedness, shortness of breath, theres a good chance you've had unstable blood sugar to go with it. It's the kind you can do nothing about. Nowhere near serious enough for any kind of doctor visit, or test, just something thats gonna make you uncomfortable. Alcohol causes it to fluctuate, and fluctuating blood sugar means you get some of those nasty symptoms I mentioned. This is one of the most common reasons for head issues, and weird pressures and feelings. Also for blurred vision, and for . It's unavoidable with alcohol, because to counter balance the sedative effect, the body produces loads of chemicals to pick itself up. So for quite a while after, your blood sugar just isnt normal. Sometimes eating sensibly and regularly, can balance it quicker.

Alcohol also causes increased heart rate in people. Only slightly, but the body confuses this for palpitations, and releases a load of sleepy chemicals. Then your body has to get rid of alcohol toxins, and your own toxins, it makes it feel like you've mixed a benzo with beers. Kinda light headed, or spacey.

Alcohol can also affect the Seretonin in your brain slightly, which in most cases is no biggie, but when you're withdrawing from an Anti-D, this is madness already. the effects of alcohol added to that can increase feelings by upto 10 times. This can make your head feel super-weird. Vertigo and light headedness are very common.

Loadsa people can do this, without any of these things causing a problem. Others can't. You gotta find out what your body wants, and give it to it.

02-20-2012, 02:23 PM
But its been 3 days now without any signs of improvement and I only had a few beers...

02-20-2012, 02:44 PM
Thats just the way it is man. It took me almost two weeks once to get over that 'hangover' type feeling. I would just get random bouts of panic. In fact, I would go as far as to say it set me back on my journey. I would just get spells of dizziness where it felt my head had been turned upside down. There's a huge amount of dark stuff in you. Everything is operating on such a tight balance it's scary to think about. Many many things do very little to upset it. But you can never really predict it. Not with total accuracy, it will always catch you over something. It's kinda depressing to think about. People don't become monk-like because they enjoy it. They do it because their bodies won't allow them to be different. It only takes one spell of altered Seretonin and you could find yourself falling into it all over again. We all walk a tight rope everyday. Severe misery is never far away. It's just something we all eventually make peace with.

Theres no reason to it. It's not something that has to obey any kind of rule. When it comes, it comes. This should go, man. This should just fade out within a few days if you keep busy and keep doing other things. Drink lots of water, and eat well. Get loadsa fresh air. Maybe some exercise will help it. Don't add extra anxiety on top of it, by stressing too hard, cos then you'll be in the trap all over again.

In theory, anything can make anxiety come back. Anxiety is just an over stimulated nervous system, anything could cause that to happen. It's not rare for people to be sent back into anxiety mode for the summer just because of a pet allergy or hayfever. Just keep doing the right things to your body. Treat it well. Eat a natural diet for a while, should detox you and get blood sugar normal. With luck it should just sort itself out. From experience, these things don't stick around for too long. They do send you off key for a bit though. Try to relax... and take care of yourself in the meantime. I know a few beers isn't that much though, man.

Maybe this is rebound anxiety? Maybe you weren't ready to come off anti-depressants?

02-20-2012, 03:14 PM
Thx for the answer but....

The reason why I was actually drinking was because I needed courage for a date... and the next time I meet her I'm gonna have to drink as well because I get so nervous before a date...

I mean I have to date girls and stuff... life can't just stop...

02-21-2012, 07:07 AM
Its been 4 days now and I still feel totally weird... im starting to lose it....reminds me very much of last year now... fucking hell....I cant live like this...

Also I don't know if its related but I'm feeling dry mouth a lot...

Should I drink another beer and maybe it will fix itself then.,..?

02-21-2012, 09:02 AM
Seriously how could a few beers have fucked me up so badly... :S !?!? Can someone explain this please..
Also I have a strong feeling of unreality...

02-21-2012, 10:32 AM
Is it possible the beer just triggered anxiety and now you are on a 4 day anxiety binge?

02-21-2012, 10:34 AM
Is it possible the beer just triggered anxiety and now you are on a 4 day anxiety binge?

i definately think this could be the case. i know sometimes my triggers are so intense and i panic for days...

02-21-2012, 11:00 AM
But really .. How does alcohol affect my brain and can a few beers possibly cause some long term problems in the brain because of my anxiety and AD's...?

02-21-2012, 11:07 AM
Go do a yoga class.

02-21-2012, 11:13 AM
No thats bullshit...

I basically feel like I'm not completely sober..

But really .. How does alcohol affect my brain and can a few beers possibly cause some long term problems in the brain because of my anxiety and AD's...?

02-21-2012, 11:17 AM
Well maybe you need to move on to harder liquor. Maybe if yoga you find bullshit, why not do a few Jager shots? Maybe find that girl you had to drink to go on a date with, and do Slippery Nipple shots off her navel?

02-21-2012, 11:18 AM
Get lost I really need help.

02-21-2012, 11:25 AM
How can we help you? Why not just go to a doctor and get a check up?
Are you sure you didn't get your anxiety triggered from drinking? Did you use to have anxiety for days straight like this before?

02-21-2012, 11:29 AM
Yea well I guess I will go to a normal doctor, who is going to claim that I am completely healthy, then I will go to my psychiatrist, who will just ask me why I stopped taking AD's and is going to sign me to take some more AD's.... That's it.

Well I was guessing maybe the alcohol triggered the anxiety as well... but I need some conformation from people who have experienced this...

And yes when my physical symptoms started kicking in last August I was feeling horrible symptoms for over a month... It was a total hell, I can't go back to that.... That's no way to live. I just cant belive it is happening again... I have a really surreal feeling now..

02-21-2012, 11:31 AM
Wait you stopped taking the ADs? When?

If you feel similar to how you felt before, isn't this a case of anxiety coming back? I don't think this is from mixing ADs with 4 beers.

02-21-2012, 11:34 AM
I havent been taking AD's for 2 months.. and I didn't drink 4 beers, I only drank 2 beers over 2 days... thats basically nothing but I was buzzing.. and unfortunately I still am. Also that I'm in love is a bad thing as well... I was actually drinking because I was about to meet the girl Im in love with.. to get over my anxiety.

02-21-2012, 11:39 AM
If you feel similar to how you felt before, isn't this a case of anxiety coming back? I don't think this is from mixing ADs with 4 beers.

It's what, 4 days now? 4 days is a while to see no improvement if it's just alcohol causing it. I thought by a 'few beer's' you maybe meant what most guys mean, they had a fair amount of alcohol on a night out. If it was pre-date drinking, I dunno Skizo, it looks less likely it could be a reaction.

How's your heart rate and breathing and stuff, is it slow, or it is slightly pacey (not palps and stuff but just pretty quick)?

Could be like I mentioned in my earlier post, and what Panic mentioned a minute ago. The alcohol caused the anxiety to spike, which worried you, and now anxiety over that anxiety is keeping it alive.

02-21-2012, 11:40 AM
2 beers in 2 days, this obviously can't cause long term damaging problems. You are off ADs for 2 months and you are concerned it has damaged your brain. Isn't that a classic anxiety question? Being in love is freaking you out. It sounds to me that you are just really wanting someone to reassure you that you are not falling apart. This dying need for reassurance sounds like anxiety to me. I was there so I understand it. Because there is just so many weird diseases out there I don't like to give total reassurance over the internet. But does your gut tell you that you are just anxious about a few things and your obsessive thoughts and worries are driving you mad?

02-21-2012, 11:41 AM
No I actually had just 2 beers over 2 days.... both times before a date. And my hearth rate and breathing are normal... But I feel dizzy and like I have a hangover still...

02-21-2012, 11:43 AM
Why not go do a good 30 minute cardio session where you really work hard? It may bring you back.

02-21-2012, 11:43 AM
My gut tells me that yes but still , I have met this girl before and didn't have this kind of freak out. But I have to admit she creates strong feelings in me like nobody else.

02-21-2012, 11:44 AM
Did you nail her yet? Maybe this is the real problem.

02-21-2012, 11:45 AM
Why not go do a good 30 minute cardio session where you really work hard? It may bring you back.

I don't think that is going to work at all.. Last summer when I was having all kinds of symptoms I worker out like crazy but it didnt help me at all.. only time helped me.

02-21-2012, 11:46 AM
Did you nail her yet? Maybe this is the real problem.

What do you mean that is the real problem? I haven't nailed her but what does this have to do with anything? I relieve myself from time to time... if you know what I mean.

02-21-2012, 11:51 AM
I think you need to do 4 things. I am actually totally serious:

1) Go to the gym and do 30 minutes of cardio. If you can lift weights first then do 30 minutes of cardio this is even better.

2) Eat a meal right after the workout with a high quality steak, brown rice and veggies

3) Have sex with this girl

4) Snuggle with this girl

5) Eat a kick ass breakfast

02-21-2012, 11:54 AM
How am I supposed to do these things with the girl? She is not my girlfriend, not nearly..

02-21-2012, 11:59 AM
Girls don't only have sex with boyfriends dude! Just try your best.

1 & 2 are required. 3,4, and 5 are optional but highly recommended.

Go hit the weights and cardio and then eat a nourishing meal. Come back here and let me know how you're doing.

02-21-2012, 12:21 PM
alright boys haha. ok point blank i think you are just nervous about his girl. calm down and be yourself. if she isnt diggin you then screw her (not litterally) i dont think the answer is to bone her, try other things that dude listed. and he is right girls dont just have sex if they are in a relationship. try listening to your fav tunes really loud, that distracts your mind. go for a run. im rambling haha. any other issues??

02-21-2012, 12:22 PM
I think you need to do 4 things. I am actually totally serious:

1) Go to the gym and do 30 minutes of cardio. If you can lift weights first then do 30 minutes of cardio this is even better.

2) Eat a meal right after the workout with a high quality steak, brown rice and veggies

3) Have sex with this girl

4) Snuggle with this girl

5) Eat a kick ass breakfast

snuggling is the bestttt medicine!!!!

02-21-2012, 12:30 PM
I just don't know really.... I feel absolutely horrible... and I constantly worry about this not going away... I feel like my life is over basically... Getting suicidal thoughts again like last year...

02-21-2012, 12:31 PM
I just don't know really.... I feel absolutely horrible... and I constantly worry about this not going away... I feel like my life is over basically... Getting suicidal thoughts again like last year...

ok to make this easier would guys go into the chat thing so we dont have to keep goin back and fourth, i can try and give you the best advice i possibly can

02-21-2012, 12:40 PM
Are you sure she doesn't love you Skizo? or are you just being pessimistic?That sucks man Sometimes girls are really good at hiding feelings. miss_mac will tell you.

I admit though, anxiety is an unattractivefeature in a guy. I struggled insanely with women when I had anxiety. And I am a good looking dude. I mean seriously, you should look at me. I am out and out gorgeous... People have to double take when they see me.But how can you be smooth and confident when your heart pounds, or your head is spacey, and you don't feel like yourself, or sober? And how can you be funny? None of it works. The only way is to really get anxiety out of the way, and forgotten about. Life is real hard otherwise. Just gotta keep focusing on being healthy, then it will begin to come naturally again.

02-21-2012, 12:43 PM
you are right, some girls really are not good at expressing their feelings, especially girls with a difficult past.

guys who have anxiety isnt a bad thing. shows that you have emotion, feeling, a damn brain. men who are numb is unattractive. i can help just hear me out haha

02-21-2012, 12:48 PM
Skizo, you gonna hear miss mac out on chat? She sounds like she's got some wisdom to share.

I'll come in to... I've never used the chat on this site!

02-21-2012, 12:49 PM
I think he went offline, his name went grey.

02-21-2012, 12:52 PM
oh damnit. he will be back later i guess hahah

02-21-2012, 01:05 PM
oh damnit. he will be back later i guess hahah

Out of interest, is that you in your profile picture?... If so, you're looking well for 666...


02-21-2012, 01:08 PM
Out of interest, is that you in your profile picture?... If so, you're looking well for 666...


hah no thats not me, that is my idol Bettie Page. she is a famous 50's pin up model haha

02-21-2012, 01:13 PM
hah no thats not me, that is my idol Bettie Page. she is a famous 50's pin up model haha

Ah, of course! My knowledge of American faces isn't the greatest at times, I'll admit :)

02-21-2012, 01:19 PM
haha its all good. you should look her up, pretty effin awesome chick

02-21-2012, 01:40 PM
Stop hijacking my thread...
Anyway I'm in the chat.

02-26-2012, 10:12 AM
So what's the latest? are you any better?

02-26-2012, 11:18 AM
No im not any better........im taking ADs again and hoping they will help......

02-26-2012, 11:19 AM
Are you still buzzing?

02-26-2012, 11:22 AM
absolutely nothing is helping? i feel horrible that this is happenin to you. the only thing i could think of was vertigo. im sorry i cant be of more help..

02-26-2012, 11:30 AM
dont feel sorry i dont want pity. i hate it.

02-28-2012, 01:03 AM
hope your doing better