View Full Version : ridiculous anxiety

02-18-2012, 01:51 PM
This anxiety is ridiculous. When I'm not worrying about something lately, my anxiety latches onto anything it can find. Like today, I was reminiscing about some silly thing I did to amuse myself a few days earlier. No one was harmed, it was just me amusing myself, but honest to god, that's what my anxiety is attacking me about today. That's how ridiculous my anxiety makes me at times, and it really frustrates me. I just wish anxiety would leave me alone, especially about such trivial and harmless things as that.

02-18-2012, 01:58 PM
Yep, that's a trick anxiety likes to play. If you're not anxious about one thing, you'll be anxious about another, etc. It 's like anxiety will not be denied in causing some grief for you on any given day or time.:) I just have come to understand I have to ignore it as best I can. Alankay

02-18-2012, 09:49 PM
It is so annoying! I will randomly get anxiety about things that have never made me anxious. Like taking a shower or riding in a car (Not drving a car, that doesn't bother me. Its really wierd :P ).

02-19-2012, 03:15 PM
I get that! Even about stuff that makes me happy I can end up feeling anxious about it and it really bugs me because I just wanna enjoy it! :confused: But yer I've found that distracting maself with music or even doing something like making a collage can help coz it can take ma mind of it but it is difficult to doo