View Full Version : horrible anxiety after drinking..

02-17-2012, 10:11 PM
Hi everybody.. I'm new to the forums.. (I don't know what else to do!?!?) Anyways.. Iam a regular drinker. Usually 4-6 beers a night. And alot more on the weekends. Well last Friday I did some heavy drinking which lead to alot of cocaine use. I rarely do it. ..but that night I did alot...and drank alot. Well the next day I woke up with the typical horrible anxiety filled hangover that I usually get after heavy drinking. Well as the hours went by I started feeling anxiety and panic like I've never yay had before. As night came I became a wreck!...and was nearly in tears crying because i couldn't control my mind. I took some Xanax and went to sleep thinking it would be gone when I woke up.(it usually is). Well it didn't ..and my head hasn't been the same since.. I feel like my head is in the fog.. constant panic. 2 days ago I drank 4 beers quick to see if maybe it would shake the feeling in my head. But it had a negative affect. I almost instantly began a full on anxiety attack and was out of control again. The alcohol triggered it I think. I figured it would help me cope. Well its been a week now and I feel like I have brain damage. I can't get my head right. Ive been taking xanax to try to control the panicking..I cannot live like this. I know it was stupid to do the drugs. Will this brain fog go away? Any help is greatly appreciated. ..oh btw...I do have high blood pressure. Thanks

02-18-2012, 02:15 PM
Ron, I bet it will fade soon. You see when you drink allot GABA(a calming neurotransmitter) is released(makes you feel nice and mellow) but that leaves you short the next day until you "gabagenic" system makes enough GABA to make you feel normal again. GABA is an inhibitory(slowing) transmitter. More GABA, less anxiety.
Anyway drinking too much is just not good for anxiety. But cocaine is bad on many fronts(not good for your high BP/heart). I'm not going to lecture but.....I'd drop that like a hot potato(especially with the high BP) and just maybe drink on the weekend(I just drink on Fri. night except for a beer with dinner). Your neurotransmitters are all messed up. Coke effects noradrenaline so I'd drop that one....just my advise. Too much noradrenaline(Excitatory) from the coke and low GABA(inhibitory‎) from all the alcohol is the cause of all your anxiety...I mean whatever is causing those to be that way, i.e., coke and too much alcohol too often. I bet you'd feel much better limiting the alcohol to weekends and no coke. The xanax will work better to if you reduce both coke and alcohol. PM me any time. Alankay.