View Full Version : Do I still have anxiety? Huge problem if anyone can help it would change my life.

02-17-2012, 03:09 PM
Hi everyone, and thanks for supplying this forum for help! I have a pretty big problem to share in hopes that someone can help. I know not everyone has the time to read through other people's lives, but it is worth a shot, and thanks in advance to anyone who cares to help! I will try to make this as short and to the point as possible.

I almost fainted last week and I do not know why. My whole reality seemed changed. I fainted when I was 12 and remember exactly how it felt, and I was able to gain control of myself and not feed into it so I actually did NOT faint but my entire day was wrecked with tinnitus, and strange sensations throughout my body. My hands felt cold, I felt very light weight, etc.

Now, I have a huge story but I won't tell it it is way too long...my life has been ripe with anxiety since I was a kid, all of which I have beaten and I am a very happy 25 yr old man, I don't mean to sound egotistical but my life has been incredible, and I feel incredible every day since beating major disorders such as depersonalization, intrusive thoughts, racing thoughts, social anxiety, panic and anxiety attack disorders, etc. I have seen hell and am proud to share my stories, knowing today I am stronger than ever for beating my problems through exercise, healthing lifestyle, hope, love and faith.

I have never been so confused in my life, however. I have been having days where I am not given a SECOND of feeling "good" in the day. I always feel on the brink of a physical condition such as fainting. I do not have anxieties running through my head, in fact I can sit and not think of anything at all, but my body and reality feel completely off. I have been treated for allergies and ruled out the symptoms as my allergy symptoms have faded. I am not allergic to any foods.

This has been on and off but I am here today because today has been one of the worst days of my life. I went through an entire day of work feeling completely not myself. Tinnitus in the ears comes and goes, and gets very loud if I give it a second of thought. I am scared easy but control the feeling, loud noises irritate me, people irritate me. I feel as though I am 13 years old again, but when I speak and act around people I am completely myself. I feel lightweight and unstable. I feel like I have no focus or concentration, and that at any moment I could lose my mind or slip into nothingness, fainting or death. When I listen to music or try to feel good feelings I am not connecting as much as I would like, I am just feeling so uncomfortable. During any heightened enjoyment (ejactulation for example), I feel good but the reality never changes. I can never escape the feeling.

It goes away, again. Some days I don't feel this way but other days I do. So far this is only the third time I have felt this terrible sense of reality.

I know this doesn't give a huge amount of detail but what I'd like to know is if anyone thinks this is anxiety or not. I don't even focus on myself, I don't think alot, don't have racing thoughts or anything, my mind feels relaxed, almost burned out and doesn't even care to worry. But my whole reality again is destroyed. No unusla physical symptoms other than this lightweightedness and feeling of coldness sometimes, cold sweaty hands as well at times, weakness in the legs.

Thanks for any help!

02-17-2012, 03:39 PM
The thing about anxiety, is it can be brought about by conditions such as low blood sugar (going a few days without eating much), or adrenal exhaustion, or a vitamin deficiency, anaemia, over training, or any maybe something a little deeper like thyroid imbalance. etc etc etc.

Obviously the initial shock of having physical anxiety, causes a lot of mental anxiety. Confusion, uncertainty, perhaps even a few panic attacks. Before a person knows it, they're never too sure which kind they are dealing with.

Of course there is no real need at all to believe this is the case, but when I hear the phrase 'burnt out', it means something has been over done. Whether it be mentally, or physically. The things mentioned above, like going a few days skipping meals, or really working hard towards something, can cause a kind of physical fatigue, which is one side of the symptom of burnout. I remember when I commuted to the city a lot, I would have a light breakfast, coffees, maybe a light lunch, and something for dinner before bed. I wasn't skipping meals, but I was very low on the nutrients I needed. I think this contributed to adrenal burnout, and low blood sugar. Both were harmless, but unpleasant. It felt like my mind was fried. I couldn't concentrate much. Things were slightly blurry. I sort of felt like a cross between being asleep and awake. Not in any off putting way, but I knew something wasn't right.

How has your routine been in the last 3 months. Do you sleep? Skip meals? Are you working very hard at something? It always helps to get tested for stuff. A routine blood test, nutrient test, maybe blood pressure, blood sugar. Just some basic things. Have you had any lately?

I don't think anxiety ever leaves the body. To an extent, the way muscle memory exists, I think mind memory does also. We can be perfectly normal, but perhaps it takes a little less to get us into anxiety mode than someone else. Some physical changes could set it off quicker.

It definetly sounds like anxiety, there are classic symptoms. But anxiety is also a side effect to many other conditions too. It strikes me as the type of anxiety that is set off by the body not being quite right for some reason. When it comes to fainting, it's always good to rule out anything physical, just so you know how to proceed.

02-17-2012, 04:06 PM
Sounds like some GAD to me. Symptoms vary by the individual but to me it sounds like anxiety and you seem to think so as well. Alankay

02-17-2012, 04:44 PM
Sounds like some GAD to me. Symptoms vary by the individual but to me it sounds like anxiety and you seem to think so as well. Alankay

Thanks a million guys, I guess it is, sounds about right...but how is it possible I believe, and feel in my heart, no fear? I myself am not worried, or fearful, because I know the truth. But my body and mind I guess are struggling to connect with me? I am unsure, but for instance I am going out with friends tonight and will definitely have a good times, without worries or fears, but these physical symptoms may be there (irritable, lightweighted etc) and it is as though I am "scared" but I am not actually feeding into that so I am not scared, but I guess my mind feels a fear? This is crazy confusing to me because I know anxiety is bullshit with all of my heart cuz ive been there done that, and this is not foreign to me, just the persistence and how I can't get away from it at work and stuff...anyway, thanks for the help, I think I do have GAD hope I can cure it with just staying healthy and exercising and whatever like I did before, thanks!