View Full Version : anxious about high blood pressure?

02-17-2012, 01:04 PM
I don't know if i'm being overly paranoid, but since Anxiety causes high blood pressure wouldn't this damage our circulatory system in the long-term? I mean, if you're anxious all the time and your blood pressure is always high.. isn't that bad for your heart??

I just had another panic attack thinking about it cause my hearts been beating soo fast lately, and although it slows down when i rest and relax it still scares me every time it starts beating fast like 90-100 bpm because it could be damaging my arteries.... hmm :( worried!!

02-17-2012, 02:24 PM
I read that obviously, prolonged exposure to stress, like fretting 12 hours a day, for decades, can obviously have some effect on the heart, and other organs. It doesn't mean it's critical, but if other things like genetics or poor diet come into play, then it can be problematic.

Apparently though, for those with mild anxiety, or anxiety that comes and goes, that has ups and downs, that it simply offsets that effort, by relaxing further once in relaxation. Like after a panic attack, or stressful night, everything starts to slow down, you breathe less, and your heart can noticeably beat slightly slower. It's making sure that it doesn't use up any extra effort than before. It's why people often feel tired, or weak, or spent after a panic attack, or period of anxiety. There body is reacting the same way as if they had gone for a workout.

It's important to put things in place to allow the body a chance to mend itself. It's is why relaxation therapy and meditation are important. They're proven to lower blood pressure levels and stress with practice.

Hopefully you keep improving though, so it isnt something that needs to be a concern. It looks like 1-0 to anxiety on this one. Those clever little spins do get the better of us sometimes :)

02-17-2012, 02:41 PM
The changes(pathology) needed in your heart and arteries are not the same in anxiety states as high BP. The increase in BP from anxiety is like that which can be brought about by exercise and transient in nature. Not exactly good but not the same as true high BP from an enlarged heart, stiffened/plaqued arteries, etc. Alankay

02-17-2012, 03:00 PM
I just hope my heart doesn't get enlarged and overly muscular from all that crazy pumping!

I've read that exercise decreases general anxiety and uses up adrenaline but every time i try and exercise it's such a huge struggle because my heart starts racing so fast and then of course i automatically think i'm stressing out my heart too much and i have to stop. So most of the time when i'm not at work i just sit in bed all day :( i know it's bad but everytime i try and walk or go jogging i don't last for more than 10 minutes!!

02-17-2012, 04:00 PM
Von, I might have asked already but have you gone to a doc to see if you can get your anxiety under better control? I hate to hear you are that uncomfortable for long periods. Alankay