View Full Version : Anyone successfully gotten rid of anxiety attacks through TFT/CBT/mindfulness??

02-16-2012, 09:29 PM
I am just curious.

are there people who have successfully, through using their own methods or ways to get over anxiety/panic attacks through either:
1) thought field therapy
2) Cognitive based therapy
3) mindfulness therapy

will be awesome to hear from you guys

04-19-2012, 04:35 AM
I am just curious.

are there people who have successfully, through using their own methods or ways to get over anxiety/panic attacks through either:
1) thought field therapy
2) Cognitive based therapy
3) mindfulness therapy

will be awesome to hear from you guys

I have overcome anxiety attacks with the use of EFT (similar to Thought Field Therapy but much easier to do). EFT is really effective and works so fast, it's amazing. But I did also go to an EFT practitioner in Singapore to deal with deeper issues that I couldn't do EFT on my own, and it was very helpful. For any of you who are experiencing anxiety or panic attacks, i strongly recommend EFT. You can learn it by searching on it on youtube, but i would also suggest going to EFT practitioner so that you can really deal with the core issues and get to the root of the problem.

04-19-2012, 09:05 AM
EFT is an excellent tool however when you are so lost like I feel right now it is so hard to do it. Has anyone ever tried EMDR? I guess it is a desensitization tech. involving eye movement. I have heard that people who have a brain scan done before and after the therapy, show significant improvement? We do have a local therapist that does it but it is nearly impossible to get an appointment with her.