View Full Version : Please help

02-16-2012, 08:00 AM
Just a week ago I was completely normal. 22 years old, mommy ofa 15 month old, engaged to be married next year. So happy. Then Friday night I was terrified. I felt as if something overtook my body and was posessed or something. I was taken to the er and given Ativan. I seen my reg dr and he gve me Zoloft ad Ativan. Since that Friday.. I am obsessing over ths, terrified of te devil and terrified something bad is happening to me. I tried talking to a pastor ad I don't feel any relief. I take Ativan enforce Ed nd fall asleep but wake up round 2 am extremely scared and terrified Neil I finally have to take mother one to get ackto sleep. Can someone please help me. I want my old self ack so badly it hurts

02-16-2012, 05:41 PM
Please ask your doctor if you could speak with a qualified counselor. Being 22 with a 15 month old and getting married is a lot of change. If you would like to talk about your feelings, I would love that. There is no shame in talking with a therapist. Tell them how you feel, be honest and let them offer you a plan to get better. It might be medication with talk therapy, or one or the other.

Just know you are not alone. It might be hard to ask for help, but it will be worth it. The hardest thing I ever did was go into the hospital and ask for help for my anxiety. I sat in front of the hospital for four to five hours dreading how they would react to me. Almost everyone has been wonderful to me. Going into that hospital, took a lot of courage, but it was the best thing I ever did.

Again, you are not alone. Please contact me, talk with others, talk with your family members and your finance.

02-16-2012, 05:46 PM
Starting treatment is hard but well worth it. Anxiety is a med disorder and there's treatment for it. Medication is but a part of treatment though. Alankay.