View Full Version : Anxiety - Loss of Appetite

02-13-2012, 11:14 PM
Hi all,

I'm new here but not new to anxiety issues, just this time is much much worse than previous times. I know you need to eat to help your anxiety levels decrease but what do you do when your anxiety gives you a stomach ache that prevents you from eating? I'm barely eating anything all day which I know is making me worse but it's so hard to eat anything now!!!

TIA guys!!

02-14-2012, 10:38 AM
Hello Toby,

Totally know what you're saying. When my depression and anxiety was at it's peak, i was literally not eating more than a slice of bread or something a day. i was in so much pain all over and the thought of eating was making me sick and i was agoraphobic on top of that so couldn't leave my 'comfort zone' to get food. As a result, i lost tons of weight and was SO weak i couldn't even get out of bed. Don't deal with it like i did, you've GOT to eat. Anxiety wears us out in every way, and you have to eat!! Force yourself to eat! Trust me it'll make you feel better afterwards. Even if it's just soups or some fruit.. as your anxiety levels drop, you'll find your appetite will return. Let me know what you've eaten tomorrow!!
Take care toby!! :)

02-14-2012, 01:16 PM
It's very common for people with anxiety to lose their appetite.

Not eating will also add to your problems because, you brain and body are
not getting the nutrients it needs.

You have to eat, try toast with peanut butter in the morning and then take a multivitamin.

Eat something small but, nutritious every few hour throughout the day.

02-15-2012, 01:22 PM
The last two post's have pretty much covered all bases.

It makes sense really, to lose appetite when you have anxiety. I think Forwell's said it on another thread; It would be dangerous for the body to feel hungry, and want to stop for a snack, when in fight or flight mode,and running from a predator.

Only, we're not running from a predator, our circuit's have just gotten a little muddled.

VH and shanrocks have pretty much described what my diet plan was when I was at my worst. Lot's of chicken soup, yoghurt's, banana's, toast and jam or peanut butter, fruit smoothie. Just eat tiny bit's regularly throughout the day. You can get away with eating smaller meals that way.