View Full Version : Panic Puzzle Program.. does it work?

02-13-2012, 07:16 PM
Hey guys--

I am reviewing some options as far as self-help programs for GAD. I am already underway with a few other things but am curious about this Panic Puzzle program. It's $70 dollars so I'd like to know.. is it truly worth it??


02-14-2012, 08:04 AM
So what would you say it was that healed you? A combination of programs? Is it possible to completely eliminate GAD?

05-26-2012, 08:35 PM

Not fully healed yet but well on the way .

It depends what your anxiety is . If its based in say your upbring and the way you were taught to look at the world. Then the key is to find those thoughts and change them .

If it is something that came out of the blue and then your thoughts changed then it is about repairing your body .

Both involve the repairing of your body .

First off is understanding and i mean fully understanding ever aspect of it . This can be hard because many doctors and counselors don't even understand it and like to tell you its all in your head . I do not and will never believe this . Most people i see have changed after the symptoms their body has shown because of high stress . This is were understanding comes into play . You can not fear something that you understand.

If you see that your reactions and thoughts towards things are nothing to do with the event but to do with the feelings you are getting from your over stimulated body then you can work on ignoring them and not adding fuel to the fire . When you do this the anxiety goes and you are just left with symptoms of your body being over stressed . Now you can move onto the reasons why and start to heal .

The reasons why could be many things from the way you think about the world , the way you handle your stress . Mine is smoking and diet related . The thinking side of things changed as i grew to understand what was happening . I still have many symptoms that alot of people come here fearing but i understand them and they worry me very little .

So they go as this Understanding - learning to not fear - looking at the thoughts that you have including the ones that have changed because of anxiety ( its important to see that anxiety becomes you but you are not anxiety . Anxiety itself will change your thoughts without any help from you) , moving onto things that have caused that stress to begin with . Some times this is gone because you have healed from it but have been more focused on how you feel with anxiety .

I still say that anxiety is nothing more than falling sick and showing symptoms of high stress but not understanding it and fearing it . If we didnt know anything about a common cold then when we got one we would also fear it , wondering what was going to happen .

Can it be eliminate ? GAD is nothing more than being locked in the addiction of focusing inward on your self and the symptoms of anxiety . Of course it can be cured . That is the disorder part . Anxiety itself is a normal part of life and something that you have had since you were born and that part can not be . But we can learn better ways to deal with that stress so that it doesn't get that high again .

Recovery is all about doing many things to heal a overstimulated system . The first step is understanding . A good counselors will show you the truth and then help you to change things . A bad one will just focus on why it happened . Why it happened does not matter in the first part of recovery and from my insight does more harm than good.

cheers kev :)

Thank you so much for that speech this is not my post but I must say I feel better just to read that, so thx, but it sounds like you almost said there is a cure because the problem is reteaching your brain that there is no danger in stress or anxiety or panic disorder, but you first have to understand and that makes sense, so the panic puzzle has the tools to do this, is that correct