View Full Version : head pain

02-13-2012, 05:10 PM
So i diagnosed myself with anxiety and always just told my doctors that. I used to think i was always having a heart attack. ive had 2 blood tests and 4 EKGs. I sometimes experience head problems. like on the side of my head at random times. Since i started taking vitamin b complex the chest pains have gone away almost completely. Now my head doesnt hurt, but feels really weird. I just got done eating dinner with friends. Everything was just fine, and i swore I was going to pass out. Even now my head hurts. I find it a lot harder to concentrate when this head feeling occurs. when the pain goes away I feel this weird pressure in my eyes. I really dont know how to describe it. Ive never actually passed out. I feel ive gotten really close though. I never have this pain when I wake up. I dont even think about it when it comes on. I feel kind of sick in the stomach but ive never thrown up either. I dont want to say its a brain tumor but it is one of my worries. I dont want to go to the ER and get tests just for anxiety again. I just dont understand how taking vitamin b complex could get rid of my chest pains but not get rid of the dizziness in my head and weird feelings all around my head. i hate this.

02-13-2012, 05:17 PM
also i'm 21.

02-14-2012, 06:56 PM
Does anyone else get this? These kind of dizziness and head pains or anything like it? I don't understand how it's never there when I wake up, but can get so bad towards the end of the night.

02-15-2012, 02:32 PM
Hello William

I don't get the head pains but i get horrible chest pains which always always make me think im having a heart attack. but everyone's symptoms are different. i do feel pressure in my head sometimes.. your dizziness is probably due to anxiety cause there's so many confusing things happening in your brain. I wouldn't get too worked up about it. just drink lots of water and try not to self diagnose yourself. i get headaches towards the end of the day too..
Take care.

02-15-2012, 02:53 PM
Right after my first panic attack, this was the symptom I got. It spread all around my neck too. Made me feel so unbalanced, off-keel. I seriously believed I was gonna die. How could the head be this messed up and be normal I felt. Even though tests came back negative, and doc's seemed unworried, I just couldn't accept that this was all fine. I thought I could collapse at any minute.

It's just tension. The body is carrying such a ridiculous amount of tension, that it's causing these things to happen. Heart rate is irregular, breathing irregular, adrenaline levels SKY high, cortisol levels through the roof, muscle tension like rock. Although none of these are dangerous, they mess the bodies balance up. For me; Vitamin B made it a lot worse, maybe they correlate for you too. But by all means it could be me.

Try to eliminate all tension. In your forehead, in your jaw. If your jaw is tight, your clenching, which causes head stress. Become aware throughout the day of any tension, and consciously release it. Tense muscles then release them, do it regularly. All tension is related, if there's stress anywhere, it could show up everywhere.

In the meantime, keep playing it down. It's anxiety. Whack that big Post-It note on it, saying "ANXIETY SYMPTOM" and put it in the drawer. No matter how loudly the phone rings, you don't have to answer it. It just becomes tempting, to avoid the inconvenience. Screw it, get comfortable there.

Nothing annoys it more! Play it at it's own game, it want's to annoy you, annoy it back. Don't rise to it, or give it unnecessary attention. It want's a fight, it want's drama, it needs it to survive. I always say that anxiety is like a woman. If you don't give either the attention they need, you'll leave you.

Keep seeking relaxation in your life, make it a habit. The higher the base level of anxiety, the higher the rate of symptoms. As it reduces, you'll find in time, the symptoms reduce, and their regularity reduces, until they are managable, and you can keep taking small steps forward.