View Full Version : Panic and Dissociation

02-12-2012, 08:53 PM
I recently have come to have Panic Disorder. Since about half a year ago I started having panic attacks. I now have them just about daily, and I often wake in the middle of the night in a state of panic. Lately I felt I was doing a bit better, and I've started receiving behavioral therapy, which I'm very optimistic about.

Recently I had a very severe panic attack. It began with a very bad headache and nausia, which steadily grew worse. I became sensitive to light and sound as well (this might have just been a coincidental sinus headache, I don't know.) My panic attack was terrifying and painful, and when it was at its worst, I looked down at my hands and I suddenly had this sensation that they were not properly attached to my body- as if I was looking at someone else's hands. I became terrified to look at my hands, and I felt dizzy and surreal. I'm not sure what to make of this, though some stuff I've looked at suggests to me that this is dissociation. I don't believe that I am losing my mind but I am wondering if anyone else has experience with any or all of these symptoms, since these symptoms are novel to me. Is this dissociation? did this headache have to do with panic, or was it unrelated?

02-13-2012, 05:07 PM
Is it all unrelated? Not a doctor, and don't know your entire history, so I can't say YES or NO.

What I can tell you, is I have suffered from (and still am) the same thing.

From my understanding of myself, and what my doctor has told me, when I have a panic attack, my mind become "unattached" because of the chemical releases in my body. Fight or Flight response is what it's called. When I would have a panic attack, my body, thinking it needed to "fight" released adrenaline into my blood. This caused me to feel "unattached".. or Depersonalized... I would also have tingling in my biceps, and numbness in my hands. My heart would race, I would be taking deep breaths, and everything would slow down.

Basically, my body was getting ready for a grueling 10 round fight, that wasn't going to happen. That is my guess, as to what happened to you. Your mind was in a state of panic and your body was preparing itself.

Do you think, that the headache, was the trigger? I only ask, because I have had headaches... that mixed with me being a hypochondriac, caused my mind to race, thinking I was dieing of a brain tumor... body starts preparing, blood flow is increased... and there I am, thinking I'm either dieing or going crazy....

headaches, can also be caused by anxiety and stress... so, to me.. everything is all related. Kind of a "cause and effect" relationship your body is going though. Hope this helps... fell better...