View Full Version : I'm new here and am looking for some support

Nick F
12-15-2006, 05:15 AM
hey! Lately (well the past 4 months) i've been having way more anxiety related problems than usual and would like some of your input?

im 18 years old and this past fall moved away to college. When i was 13 my dad died of cancer and i guess i sort of repressed it. Ever since he died i had always felt a tiny bit of derealization. Also, since then i have had some hypochondria and various phobias. I've had panioc attacks too.

But anyways, ever since moving away to college things have just gotten so much worse. I developed pretty bad allergies at college which produced some symptoms that i wasnt used to. My hypochondria kicked into full gear and i was constantly in fear because of what i saw as my deteriorating health. Also, for the past 4 months i have suffered from bouts of very bad derealization. ALSO, because i have a girl friend whom i care for with all of my heart i have alooot of anxiety towards her getting sick(probably because she means as much to me as my dad did). But yeah, ive developed mild OCD-like rituals or whatever whenever i really miss her. OVERALL its a pretty crappy situation and i dont like it at all

i've found ignoring my derealization has helped a bit. However, all of these problems are persistent and i need a push i nthe right direction

if you read this whole thing, thanks...

12-15-2006, 10:46 AM
Hi there Nick,

First of all, can I tell you you are not alone with this! I am always worrying if there is something wrong with my partner too!

If you would like to chat to me you can by MSN - [email protected]

Take Care
