View Full Version : need help identifying this anti-anxiety pill !

02-11-2012, 01:26 PM

i was given this medication by my doctor. he said it's to calm me down and he said its very mild. but ive had a really bad experience with side effects from an anti-depressant so i'm scared to take these ones without knowing what they are. the pills are as seen in the picture i've attached, with no numbers letters or any kinds of inscription on them. are they sleeping pills?? if anyone knows what they could be please let me know :)
thank you!!

02-11-2012, 04:59 PM
they look like some sort of beta blocker if they are they only slow your body down a bit to make you think more before you panic also used for people with out of beat heart what i do i dono if you what to try this but cut the tablet in half then into a quarter and take it and see how you feel :)

02-11-2012, 05:07 PM
Hey VonnHelsing,

As almost every solid psychiatric tablet I've seen, has some coding on it, or dose info, it makes me think it could be a nutritional tablet. There's a plant called Spiriulina, which is sort of like a sea weed, and it has properties such as being a very good source of Vitamin B12 (which we know is useful for anxiety)


They can be a little lighter or darker. Perhaps your doc gave you something more natural due to your bad experiences with chemical medicine. In the UK they refer to it as one of the 'Super Foods' and it can come as a drink or in tablet form. It's supposed to help with energy levels, fatigue and soothe nerves. I've never tried it, so can't give you any info on it!

I could be wrong, but thats what comes to mind when I see your pills :)