View Full Version : Follow up to earlier post...

02-11-2012, 09:14 AM
Well, I know others are aware of my situation, due to the fact I have posted about it twice. I just have more to add.

Well, recently, it seems to be improving and worsening at the same time. Some symptoms, such as headaches and ear plugging, are going away. Others, like the pain on the left side of my chest, sleep twitching, head tics, and shakiness are getting worse. I'm a bit concerned still. I have talked to my math teacher about it at the school. She says "Come on, Alex! Be at peace!", while I just wonder. I haven't got the chance, and my parents are starting to care even less than before. I have OCD pretty bad because I google symptoms.

Also, I was just thinking about some of the possible triggers earlier when I woke up.
1.) When I was in 5th grade, a very close friend of mine passed away. I didn't cry then when it happened. My parents said I didn't tell them until the day before the funeral because I "Didn't want them to be upset", as they said. Around a month ago, I accidentally found her obituary on the internet. I read it, and it kind of made me sad.
2.) One of my brothers is in jail for drugs. I never really ever got to see him a lot.
3.) Trying to keep my grades up at school.
4.) On New Years Eve (2010 going into 2011), my girlfriend broke up with me at a church party just an hour before 2011 began. The thing is, she wasn't just a girlfriend. She was a childhood friend. She was my best friend all up through 9th grade, when we started dating. I "liked" or "loved" her since 6th grade, and when I got her finally after countless tries, it blew my mine. When she left me, it was the worst emotional pain of my life. It felt even worse than my close friend dying years earlier. When she did it, we were alone and she started crying. I had never really seen her cry before. She said it, then just clung to me like a metal to a magnet. I just held her for a while and talked to her about it, saying it was alright... though I was crying too. Anyways, that night I cried myself to sleep, and I cried on and on and on again until October 2011.

Those are my ideas of triggers. Also, I have developed these weird while mole... things on my body.

They aren't round. They are more pillar shaped, and I have 3. One I have had as long as I can remember, the others though... I have developed two of those recently. The other two are smaller than the first.

02-11-2012, 09:31 AM
Dude, did you get the free clinics info. in my earlier post replies to you? They are both in your town. Alankay.

02-11-2012, 05:27 PM
Yeah, I got em'. My parents didn't say anything yet.