View Full Version : Newcomer

02-10-2012, 10:27 AM
I have been dealing with anxiety for the better part of the past 5 years. I finally came to terms with the fact that I had anxiety and decided to act. In the past I would just push it aside hoping it would go away by itself. I stopped taking my medication and even shut people out of my life. I was afraid for so long to show people that side and even afraid to admit to myself I had it. It ate me alive for years. I lied to myself and thought it was something everyone deals with so it would pass. I would reach out for help or to talk only to completely shut down and not talk. I would tell people I was fine just so I didnt feel like a burden to them. I am proud to say that I have realized what I have to do to control it and not let it control me. Was just wondering what others on this site have found helpful

It is great to FINALLY have found a "support" system on here because for the longest time, I thought I was alone.

02-10-2012, 11:57 AM
Welcome! Are you getting any treatment at all from a doc or counselor?? Alankay

02-10-2012, 12:25 PM
I am on medication and see a Mental Health Counselor 1x a week

02-10-2012, 03:55 PM
That's good and you are certainly not alone in having anxiety. Alankay.

02-10-2012, 04:16 PM
hello pustizzi!
we are all in the same boat here :) but i guess everyone copes with it in their own way. i've had anxiety for 4 years and i've tried so many different methods of fighting it. i started off with diazepam (or valium) and therapy sessions with a psychiatrist. but then i moved to another country and it hasn't been easy to get access to meds and therapists. my anxiety is on and off and was triggered about half a year ago again and has been at its worst. have had to cope with it using only distractions.. i've now realized that the best way for me to fight off anxiety is by letting it come and go without getting so worked up and affected about it. training your brain into knowing that it wont harm you and will go if you just remain calm. meditation has also worked wonders for me. i recommend it to all anxiety sufferers!
take care Xxx

02-10-2012, 07:14 PM
There are so many knowledgable people, who are also very sympathetic, and understanding on this site. It's a great relief when you're suffering, to be around people that understand you.

I've found, especially in my life, that when you allow yourself to be unwell for a period, that your body stops wasting all this energy. All the energy it takes to put on a brave face, to lie to yourself that everything is fine, and to play along with this lie and block everything out. Once you're allowed that opportunity, to spend a short while, simply being unwell, you'll find, maybe not consciously, that your body has all this extra energy available to use. And it put's all this extra energy, solely into getting better, and the rate of recovery, has to be 3 times faster than those who resist everything and fight, and pretend. I think this is what those that make progress find, sub-consciously, or sometimes they're able to pinpoint it more, like Vonn Helsing.

There is a big difference between lying down beaten, in self-pity, which is not what we mean, and actually admitting, owning up to a problem, facing it, and allowing your body to go through all the stages of healing without pretence, or judgement. This is something I can see developing, by your post. :)

So how is the councelling going?

02-12-2012, 07:10 AM
Thank you all for the responses. They are wonderful!

As for the councelling, it is going very well. The lady has seen me, my father and my brother for the same things. It helps to talk to someone and have them listen whereas others will try to talk me down instead of listening.