View Full Version : Hello everyone! A few problems I need a little help with..

02-09-2012, 01:26 PM
Hello everyone I'm new to this forum, and I suffer with Anxiety, I have not been to the doctors as I fear they will want to give me medication and I would rather sort this out in my own time. I have been having racing heartbeats for the past few days, It usually starts about 5pm in the evening when I'm mainly chilling out and over thinking, Searching everything up on the internet and getting frightening answers which makes it worse as I think I'm going to die or something, Anyway tonight it got super bad as too why I don't know I was really concentrating on my beats and could hear and do nothing else and as I was winding myself up even more it got even worse. Eventually I blurted out to my mum 'my hearts beating too fast.' and she said 'your having an anxiety attack' and it got worse she came over to me a kept me really calm. She also gave me a brown paper bag to breath into which helped me loads and eventually i stopped feeling my heart beats. I also have problems when I see certain people from a bad night i usually get an attack if I am in close proximity with them e.g on a bus or train and I have to get off immediately. I get hot, sweaty, My heart race increases and I feel the need to fan myself with my hands? does anyone else do this? I don't know anybody with anxiety like mine and I would love to know If anyone gets symptoms the same as me, I also am slightly OCD I panic if I have less then £100 in my bank and if i know I do its all I think about for days un-till I get more money and It goes back up! I'm sure what to do to be honest? Like what are some relaxing things to stop the attacks? and how can I control them?