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02-09-2012, 01:15 PM

I just talked to my friend who is suffering as well right now. She told me that Xanax does not wok for her. Klonopin barely works for her. I compare myself to her and think what if my anxiety gets so bad that it doesn't work for me. Then what, I know it is not true because when I have taken it, it has always worked for me. I am just having trouble controlling my anxious thought. Thanks everyone.


02-09-2012, 02:07 PM
If it worked for you, it will work for you. Your friend may just need a higher dose and there are other meds for anxiety as well. Alankay.

02-09-2012, 02:14 PM

Before I posted this thread I posted another lengthy thread describing my history and what I am dealing with now. When I submitted the post it said it would be viewed by a moderator first before it was posted. I don't see it on the general discussion thread yet. Has this happened before and how long does it take to post? I thought my history would give better detail. Thanks for your quick reply.

02-09-2012, 07:08 PM
It can take a while sometimes so you can PM if you'd like. Alankay