View Full Version : health anxiety

Forrest Owl
02-08-2012, 10:05 PM
On Sunday I was waiting at a cross walk and this old women was stopped and waved my friend and I to go, but she proceeded to go anyway and she hit my friend and then hit me, she hit my left leg in my thigh area and I fell to the ground. she wasnt going very fast but it was fast enough to knock us down. my leg was hurting and I iced it all day. I didnt end up brusing anywhere I was just really sore for a few days. I went to the doc and she said I was fine. but now my leg is on and off hurting in all differnt places and I am really worried that I am going to get a blood clot because she hit me and its going to travel to my lungs and boom, I am done for. I here alone with my 3 year old daughter and my husband is on a bussiness trip and wont be home until tomrrow night. I am so scared that these weird little pains mean that I am going to get a clot in my leg. I dont smoke or have other health problems but I do take low estrogen birth control pills. I am freaking out so bad I am afraid to go to sleep. need advice


02-09-2012, 01:51 AM
Clots form in arteries more so than the small veins within muscles so you will be fine. Take some baby aspirin as precaution as it serves as an anti coagulant just to have some piece of mind and do some walking to keep blood moving but recognize anxiety for what it is. You won't get a clot from this. Alankay.

Forrest Owl
02-09-2012, 09:35 AM
I walk a lot anyway and I get on my stationary bike a few times a week for 15-20 mins and Ive been taking Ibprophen for my headaches Ive been getting ( my period is coming) but I dont have baby aspirin