View Full Version : Constant worrying(Is this part of Anxiety?)

02-08-2012, 12:00 PM
delete thread please.

02-08-2012, 02:15 PM
Hey! I am too experiencing this it's horrible indeed! It's like a vicious cycle to say the least & feeling no way out apart from to obsess or worry about something. Yes it's definitely anxiety.

Eating the right foods is very important, make sure your getting all your daily vitamin's and keep yourself busy, its a key start to success and you will beat this. :)

Also look into vitamin d and fish oil, will help you feel much better and relaxed if you are lacking this, can play a big role in anxiety. Try & speak to a close friend or more importantly a family member you can trust, everything feels much better when its out in the open! Really the most hard part is just getting out the habbit of doing it, I'm currently trying to do it so good luck! :D

02-08-2012, 03:01 PM
i think all of us experience this! i know i do! the key is to not let it keep happening. the more you worry the more your brain gets used to it. these days it's quite hard to live a stress-free life we have loads to worry about on a day to day basis. but what is worrying going to help you achieve? nothing! it just makes you anxious and makes you feel ill which will make you worry even more. so whenever you start worrying just stop and think positively about it. practice breathing techniques, drink herbal tea (chamomile has been known to relax the mind), and try meditating.. let your brain take a rest!! :) take care!