View Full Version : Unusual Perspective

12-13-2006, 12:17 AM
This may be a bit long but bare with me. i am a 18 year old male, who suffers from what i can only describe as depression/Anxiety. I constantly think about growing old and dying. it scares me so bad sometimes its unexplainable. i often question my own actions. i wonder whats the point of doing anything, if it ends. Why do we go to amusement parks? once we leave the park, its over, its as if it never happened. its very hard to explain. I just cant seem to grasp the point of existance. Theres no reason to enjoy or persue anything if were just going to die one day. I cant accept Death and it reallyy takes a tooll on me. i feel horrible all the time and im not sure what to do. I sometimes wish i was never born. i feel like im trapped. Im just Miserable. Thanks for taking the time to hear my unimportance. :cry:

12-13-2006, 10:55 AM
You sound a little more depressed than you do anxious. I too used to have these thoughts. Its an awful feeling that might need medication to be controlled. Are you taking anything now? Have you explained this to your doctor?

Believe me, your not alone. These are natural thoughts for those who suffer from depression/anxiety.

12-13-2006, 02:32 PM
This may be a bit long but bare with me. i am a 18 year old male, who suffers from what i can only describe as depression/Anxiety. I constantly think about growing old and dying. it scares me so bad sometimes its unexplainable. i often question my own actions. i wonder whats the point of doing anything, if it ends. Why do we go to amusement parks? once we leave the park, its over, its as if it never happened. its very hard to explain. I just cant seem to grasp the point of existance. Theres no reason to enjoy or persue anything if were just going to die one day. I cant accept Death and it reallyy takes a tooll on me. i feel horrible all the time and im not sure what to do. I sometimes wish i was never born. i feel like im trapped. Im just Miserable. Thanks for taking the time to hear my unimportance. :cry:

I'd love going to an amusement park if it didn't mean having and thinking about panic attacks the entire fucking time I'm there.