View Full Version : two steps forward. One step back...

02-06-2012, 02:28 AM
I feel so discouraged. Fri and Sat went ok. I went to work and even slept through the night afterward. (prone to nite time attacks) then today I went with my boyfriend and 4 yr old daughter out to eat, then we pulled up to the mall to shop, as soon as we got out of the car everything felt off. Like things looked bright, then I tried to ignore it. He grabbed my hand and told me to hold tight and breath, then I thought it was going ok so I kinda.startwd to browse, thats when it whent downhill. My chest felt tight, I felt like I was floating and I felt so bad for ruinung the day. We left right away. I kept panicking, I had an awful evening. I would get it under control then it would flare up again. I'm on my phone laying in bed anxious, im nerous tomorrow is gonna be the same or worse! Two good days then a horrible one. Sooo, so discouraged.

02-06-2012, 05:19 AM
Don't be discouraged, anxiety is offended on. It seems that the social situation was your trigger and now you are having what I call residual anxiety. It happens to me all the time. Look at the bright side of it 1.tou had 2 great days, so you know that you can do it 2. Like the title of your post you took 2 steps forward and 1 back, so at least you still gained one step! I anxiety is all about persistence and small victories, you just won a battle, but you must still fight the rest of the war.

Whatever you do don't give up, keep on knowing that you can beat this and you can feel great again, get through the bad times by knowing how great the good times will be when you get to them. I will also share a tip I picked up, even though to a normal person or sounds dumb, to someone with our issues its huge, at least it was for me. Anxiety will only bother you if you let it, your day will only be as good as you allow it to be, and the more you tell anxiety you don't care about it, and the better you allow your day to be the less anxiety will try to interfere and eventually it will just give up trying once it realizes you are too strong for it.

Keep your head up, we're in this together,and I know you can do it!

02-06-2012, 09:11 AM
I have had a similar thing happen to me this week. I had a few days where I felt so much better and barely felt any anxiety at all. Then I had a stressful day and that caused me to
start worrying and the last couple of days I have felt quite anxious. But, I know that it's normal to have set backs as you are recovering. So I am trying not to get too frustrated or discouraged. I am also trying to keep in mind that during those good days I felt better than I have in a few months. So, overall I am moving forward. It sounds like you are moving forward too. Persistence and patience are what are needed to feel better again. Hang in there. You will get better!