View Full Version : recovery and still afraid :(

02-04-2012, 10:54 PM
so i have been taking lexapro 10mg for the past 5 days and im feeling great right now and its kind of scary because i forgot what normal felt like because of all the panic attacks and everything. but im still afraid that im not going to wake up in the morning since im feeling better :( it just scares me, even though im healthy as can be..i just cant ge that out of my head.. :( i need help!

02-05-2012, 12:55 AM
Oh Kayla, that sounds horrible! I'm glad u feel better about things about most things though. When you go to bed just think about all the times u'v thought you wouldnt wake up.....has it ever happened? I'm guessing the answer is a no :-)

There is no evidence to back your fear that u wont wake up and lots to say you will....its never happened before, you are young, you are healthy, you had a lot of sleeps in your lifetime. I'v just had a look at your last post as well, your doctor has checked you out thouroughly, you are healthy and ur symptoms are anxiety. The fact that you feel better since u'v been taking your meds proves that :-) plus you have only been taking them for 5days, ur symptoms will improve futher as u take it for a while and ur doctor may choose to increase ur dose when u go back? Do you excersize regularly? Regular excersize will help get ride of anxiety and it will back up the fact that u are healthy. Eat a good diet too :-) Oh and has the doctor gotten you any help with counselling?

Have you tried reading, taking a bath or a hot shower and drinking horlicks before bed? Staying away from caffiene,drinking camomolie tea or deacaf instead? I wouldnt recommend peppermint tea as Iv read u sometimes get a sore tummy and it makes my tummy bad. Get a lavender spray and spray it on ur pillow, it makes u sleepy, which I know u are scared of but it calms you down. No cigarettes 3 hours before bed, no caffeine 3 hours before bed, eat at least two hours before bedtime, no excersize two hours before bedtime. All these things should help you realx a bit. And if you cant sleep, dont play computer games or watch TV, they are too stimulating, read a book instead.

I'm pretty sure if you keep taking the lexapro then u will stop worrying about this anyway

Much <3