View Full Version : What's the function of complex amino acids and depression, anxiety, etc..?

02-04-2012, 07:07 PM
I learned that taking a healthy supply of amino acids positively affects the nuerotransmitters needed that are so depraved in depression, bipolar, anxiety, etc... Is this true or false?

02-04-2012, 07:29 PM
It can do. Taking it without any tests can be a shot in the dark, but if money is an object, it can be worth trying. The theory is In cases of mental health, certain neurotransmitters can become weakened or damaged, and therefore can't bounce signals properly. This causes these mental problems to occur. Amino Acid's are supposed to build up these neuro-transmitters, over time, and allow them to become fully operational again. There's a lot of truth in it I feel, although it won't be the case for everybody, I think it definetly has potential to help a lot of people. It's roots lie mainly in orthomolecular psychiatry; Using vitamins, minerals and healthy living to help naturally restore the bodies balance. Is that where you got the idea from? Maybe there is somebody offering consults in your area, I definitely feel it's a more body-friendly approach.

I think the truth is, the jury is still out on it. Nobody really agrees on what causes mental health issues. I think this is partly due to the fact that we are still trying to group them as one. ALL cases of depression are due to serotonin depletion. ALL cases of anxiety are due to thinking errors. In reality, many factors can cause them. All some people need is less coffee and their panic attacks will stop. All some need is more Vitamin B12 in their diet, and their anxiety will greatly reduce. Instead, most of the time, their pumped full of SSRI's, and the issue forever goes unresolved.

02-04-2012, 07:36 PM
About 6 months ago I had bought essential amino acids, for no reason really. Then I looked up that serotonin is manufactured via the essential amino acid tryptophan, and dopamine is manufactured via the essentail amino acid tyrosine. I figure a few supplements can't hurt, that normal functioning people's brains can tolerate.

02-04-2012, 08:48 PM
The body used these as chemical precursors to serotonin and GABA, etc, but really the ones that come from diet as opposed to the body synthesizing are not significant. I never got relief from diet supplements but I heard others have so I tell folks to try it all and if they find something helps and is safe, stick with it. A good diet is recommended for anxiety and general health. Alankay.