View Full Version : Gut pain & nausea 24/7

02-04-2012, 04:47 PM
Just saw the GI doc again as I have had severe intestional cramps and nausea that are working up my anxiety. Have had them 10+ weeks.

Doc said without diahrrea or constipation or vomiting he would not do invasive tests so I dont know what is wrong.

Has anyone had this from anxiety - the symptoms are disabling at times

02-04-2012, 04:51 PM
Razzle, I haven't had them as bad but know others have from anxiety. The "main" guys from anxiety symptoms wise are heart, head and stomach complaints but the list is long. I thought I had a heart issue years back and it sure seemed real at the time. Alankay.

02-04-2012, 05:17 PM

Mine are so bad I am sick all over and feel like I am going to die. Nausea times 10. Do others have it this bad from anxiety

02-04-2012, 05:40 PM
Razzle, most don't but since the nervous system that controls the digestive tract(http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Enteric_nervous_system) is connected to the Central Nervous System it can effect it greatly.
I take it you are really generally anxious(GAD) as opposed to a panic type issues in certain situations? If so that can indeed explain it.
I think I recall you can't take many/most anti-anxiety meds, right?

02-04-2012, 07:02 PM
Anxiety can cause so many vicious symptoms, as we all know here. From the hundreds of anxiety sufferers I've known, both in real life, and on-line, it's rare that such physical unrelenting distress is caused. Even when it does, I'm not covinced it's just anxiety causing it, but instead an allergy, or hypoglycaemia.

What kind of diet are you doing? I myself had bouts of hypoglycaemia, not bad enough to be medically treated, but bad enough to make my life a misery, and severe stomach pain, sickness and dizziness was my main symptom. This all started when I reduced carbs as part of a workout plan. I know you've mentioned diet in the past. It can be a bitch to detect too, as the medical diagnosis of it, is quite different to actual suffering. They test more for diabeties, whereas unbalanced blood sugar causes no physical danger, but REALLY put's the body off. As Alan stated though, anxiety can cause horrid stuff, and it's by no means out of the question.

It would be really interesting if you could take a short course of anti-anxiety meds. It would really seperate the wheat from the chaff, and would allow you to see what symptoms are caused by anxiety, and what are actually bodily symptoms seperate from the cyclical stress>response>bodily reaction >more stress chain you're in now. You say it can't happen though, so it's unfortunate.

Have your doctors prescribed anything? Some IBS medications may help it a little?

You never respond to any personal questions, but out of interest, if you had to rate your anxiety (not your symptoms, just your level of anxiety) out of 10, where would it hit?

02-04-2012, 07:11 PM
I've had this too, am dealing with it right now. I even got a CAT-scan done of my abdonem to rule out tumors and abnormalities. Came back perfect. So it's anxiety gripping me.

02-05-2012, 07:22 AM

If you take my symptoms and anxiety together they are in the 9 to 10 range. My diet and hypoglycemia is perfect. In fact a damn doctor who took me off all carbs and I started having 6 hour hypo attacks is what set my gut off from the stress.

Over the years I have tried 18 anxiety meds with severe reactions. 4 weeks on Xanax and it took me 2 years to recover

02-05-2012, 08:13 AM
Razzle, if nothing else read the end of this post.
Have you tried lyrica(anticonvulsant) as well as Progesterone(can be used for anxiety believe it or not, ask a pharmacist or good doc)?
I'm assuming you've tried Benzos, SSRI's, SRNI's, TCA's, Buspar and maybe a beta blocker.
Another older med is Miltown(Meprobamate). These are sometimes tried when the main meds fail or have very bad effects for an individual and am only bringing them up as you seem to be still having big trouble without any aid from what meds can give. Seems a "novel" approach for you is needed not the typical stuff for anxiety(which I know was tried).
Remeron is a (TeCA) which is a bit different than other TCA's.
Trazodone is of the (SARI) class which might not give you the bad reactions others did. I'm just throwing all the meds I've heard of for anxiety(where the drugs of choice fail) in hopes one was not tried and may help. Forgive me if these were all tried.
Xanax is a short acter benzo and might not have been best anyway. Great for as needed panic and older folks where it turns into an intermediate acter because of slower metabolism in older folks but xanax might not have best for you anyway. In some it leaves the neurotransmitters scrambling to get back balanced since it is so strong and only lasts 10 hours(1/2 life) or so. Was the issue with xanax inter dose anxiety coming back worse? Or side effects that were hideous? I just prefer a longer acting benzos for folks.
Anyway if all psycho active drugs give you issues consider progesterone. Progesterone(forget it's a hormone more linked to women) can be very helpful in anxiety and stress situations because some of its active metabolites affect the GABA receptors in the brain yielding the desired calming and restful effect. A good MD will know about this so ask. You need to relief from the high anxiety you must be feeling. The cycle needs to be broken. PM me any time. Alankay.

02-06-2012, 08:51 AM
did he run samples and blood on you? I have serious anxiety but also had some sort of parasite from eating undercooked food at a restaurant.

that caused more anxiety and it is a primary symptom of it ... sine being treated for that I feel better GI wise but still have pretty bad anxiety

02-06-2012, 01:15 PM
Yes total of 72 blood tests - 14 vials - everything OK

02-06-2012, 02:15 PM
^ what about stool sample? thats how parasite was detected in me.

I cant PM until 10 posts so thats why i didnt respond.

02-06-2012, 04:00 PM
Did that twice

02-06-2012, 04:58 PM
I still think there is something off inside your body, probably something so slight, thats unbalancing it. I think the sympoms it's causing are being added to anxiety, and creating a cocktail thats causing you a lot of misery. It sounds very unfortunate.

Are your doctors still pursuing this, or are they simply pawning it off as anxiety as a way to pass the buck?

Nonetheless, there is obviously anxiety there, and probably a great deal having endured this. Have you tried natural non-medicinal substances that work similar to benzo's? Stuff like Kratom and the like. Not for regular use, but as something to break the cycle.