View Full Version : Lack of feelings toward my girlfriend

02-04-2012, 09:01 AM
I'm bipolar, and so I have been having a long bout of depression, since the end of summer of 2011. I quit the band because of anxiety. I can't work. But worst of all I've gone kind of numb emotionally. I don't feel that spark I used to have with my girlfriend. She asks me if I love her, and I really have to think, and I say yes, because I really do deep down. I just can't feel it right now. This really hurts us both.

02-04-2012, 09:49 AM
Fear, I think you are experiencing a little emotional numbing which can happen with all you've been through. In time you will likely get much better as it's been a only few months under your current med treatment, right? It takes some time and I know we all wish things would go faster. Often meds need to be tweaked, etc.
I know it's easier said than done but try not to read into it everything too much. You are still on the mend so hang in there.
My Dad was bipolar and he always had a bad time when he was in an episode but over time he always bounced back. Just takes time.
I wish he worked better with his doc. but he loved to get better and stop the meds(lithium mostly) then eventually have another episode. Anyway work with and trust your doc. He's trying to get you back to feeling 100%. He will need to tweak meds as you get better and he sees how you respond to meds, etc. All patients are a little different. Alankay.

03-22-2012, 04:04 AM
try it make urself calm and good mate, once u know hw to control it rest will happaen