View Full Version : Am I losing my mind??

02-03-2012, 12:34 PM
It all started with panic attacks and a fear of a heart attack for me .. Then it slowly started getting worse and worse .. Lately I feel as if the old me is gone. .. I have checked my blood pressure 7 times today and 10 times last night .. I am so worried I am going to have a heart attack .. I'm 25 male and played college basketball.. What's worse is everybody around me is tired of me calling them and saying hey I checked my bp again I want to go to the hospital .. I have all but lost my job over it and recentlly have just felt lost like it will be here forever .. Just want my life back

02-03-2012, 12:36 PM
Never took any meds bc of fear of side effects ..

02-03-2012, 12:48 PM
Woody, meds and education on anxiety saved my tail. Side effects go away(if you get any) and are better than anxiety running amok and ruining everything.
See a good doc about your anxiety and PM me any time and perhaps you can get things much better again in time. Alankay.

02-03-2012, 01:06 PM
I have had just about every anxiety symptom and the doc doesn't want to see me anymore told me my EKG and bloodwork was fine .. but I still get online and look at these symptoms which are terrifying but I am scared I am going to die I'm bout to go on Zoloft but it seems Monday is so fa away .. I have no feelings of happy and the joy my life was before this happened