View Full Version : not restless leg syndrome, but something else

02-03-2012, 12:23 PM
I'm experiencing something other than restless leg syndrome. It's a constant tension or anxiety in my lower parts near my ankles. I can barely stand it. My psychiatrist just says to exercise more. That doesn't help. My feet move back and forth because I'm so anxious there. There's other anxieties and fears in my life going on right now, too. A strained relationship, one where I am afraid to commit. I haven't worked in several years because I'm nervous. I am afraid to work - I tried getting a job about 8 months ago, and I was shaky and couldn't stand it. I have no confidence in myself, even in the things I used to do well. I am musical, but because of the foot thing, I can't relax and enjoy myself.

Any ideas?

02-04-2012, 03:06 PM
i picked up CHELATED MAGNESIUM and it seems to be working and making me feel better...of course you need to put the effort in as well through CBT and just facing your fears head on. you will be fine, push through it! it shall pass.

also try drinking chamomile tea, as it seems to be helping as well. its a calming tea with NO CAFFEINE.

02-04-2012, 03:29 PM
chamomile tea rocks! do meditation, yoga and drink chamomile tea. and you're musical so definitely get more involved with that. music is a wonderful way to fight anxiety it keeps your brain busy and brings you happiness and satisfaction. don't give your brain the chance to feel anxious! :-)