View Full Version : anxiety while sick

02-02-2012, 06:28 PM
Does anxiety become worse when sick a bit? Does it elevate?

02-02-2012, 06:48 PM
What do you mean by abit sick? Do you have a cold? If so, from personal experience I believe that can be the case. I have had elevated feelings of anxiety as I worry I may not recover, or that my symptoms may be a precursor to a much more serious illness. The only advice anyone can give in response to this is to just go with it and try not to over-think - you will find this under the definition of trite, sorry.

02-03-2012, 05:19 AM
Yes, I do exactly the same thing. As a matter of fact I am getting sick now and having some chest congestion which is giving me a bit of chest pain, and of course here I am freaking out thinking it's a heart thing. I dovthis everytime I startvtovgetvsick, as far as I can tell its normal and it will pass as you get through the sickness and once you feel better the anxiety will go with it, don't worry you are not alone!

02-03-2012, 05:32 AM
Definatley! I was getting so much better, I'v had a couple of nasty viruses and been ill for over a month so I'm feeling weak and wobbly and all of a sudden I keep worrying about fainting and wont go out and am getting panic attacks even if I have to go to the shop 200 meters away and having panic attacks in doctors and wont travel. I dont even wanna bath (although i still have been!) or even get too happy and excited cos I'm worried i'll exhaust myself! If you are run down, everything seems such a bigger issue, its just added stress. Yes, I would definately say that my anxiety gets worse if I'm feeling physically poorly

02-03-2012, 07:40 AM
Yep, any stressor can/will bump up your anxiety level. Factor that in. Alankay.

02-04-2012, 07:18 PM
I would add to Alan's comment, and take it even further. Any change can increase anxiety. It's important to know (not in this case) but it others, that making small changes can sometimes increase anxiety. This isn't you going backwards, it's just important to know sometimes you need to take a slower approach, to allow your nervous system to calm down some more.

As for a cold, it can work both ways. Some people find relief, as they put EVERY symptom down to increased anxiety because of the cold. Others find it increases their anxiety.

Let's hope it doesn't last long :)