View Full Version : Do I have Cancer or Anxiety?

02-02-2012, 06:24 PM
I'm super scared if I have tonsil or throat cancer. My symptoms are trouble breathing, a slight pain in the left side of my neck, and a headache. I have never smoked or drank before in my life time (i'm 13). Or I think it might be anxiety. I have dealt with A LOT of anxiety the past 2 months. I had dp/dr for a while too. I'm scared this might be a cancer. Please I beg anyone one of you to tell me any good information. please. God Bless.

02-02-2012, 11:50 PM
This sounds like its stress or maybe just a little tonsilitis to me! I had this a couple of years ago, I could even see a lump in the back of my throat, and I still get sore throats regularly, Its just cos I'm run down from being stressed and tired out all the time. Stress and anxiety can make you feel so ill. Im always convinced I have a type of cancer, I went to the doctors for years and in the end he just told me that if I had had any of the illnesses I'd imagined in my head over the last few years, I'd already be long gone! I went for years on end trying to find the answer to my panic attacks.......turns out, years later, they are still panic attacks and I have spent years getting upset over them when I dont need to. Learning from my experience, and the fact you are so young, I am in so much doubt that there is anything wrong that antibiotics or destressing wouldnt fix :-)
And seriously, i spent years convinced I was ill, and had a phobia of needles, I was convinced if I had a blood test I would die! But turns out, doctors are pretty clever :-) and if they tell you its anxiety....then it is! Dont stress as much as I did.

Go to ur doctor, get checked out, take a friend or parent with you. If your still not happy, ask for a second opinion

Good luck hun