View Full Version : Brain Tumor!? Freaking out!

02-02-2012, 03:42 PM
I'm really freaking out! I already posted a thread on my symptoms, but this is a bit different. I have almost COMPLETELY convinced myself I have a brain tumor. All the symptoms match up to mine. My headaches (back right side, fore-head, and both temples), dual-vision (sometimes at night), fatigue, etc. Today, at school I decided to exercise, figuring it may help with my problems. I did so, but then I started feeling a bit weird in my vision. I didn't know why! Then I sat down and started feeling really tired, like I could fall asleep right there. (I am a very skinny teen. Way out of shape)

Also, I twitch. Lately, the following areas have been twitching a little:
Top right side of head.
lower front of the neck area...

It is really freaking me out. I have had anxiety since July of 2011, and as I stated previously, we have no money, my dad says it is all in my head and my mom tells me constantly I need to get a grip.

*EDIT* I apologize if I am annoying anybody or sounding like a lunatic...

02-02-2012, 09:41 PM
Hey Alex. Forwells is right! No more Google! Doctors wouldn't let you leave the office/hospital if they thought there was any chance that you had a brain tumor. They would have set up follow-up appointments at least. They are trained professionals, and they aren't about to go on a hunch that you're okay, and then subject themselves to a possible lawsuit. I know it's hard to believe that your symptoms are related to anxiety. I had the same symptoms as you back in December, and I too was convinced that something horrible was happening to me. Once I finally stopped going on Google, and I began taking better steps to try and do relaxing things, I no longer have most of those symptoms. No more Google! Start there! I hope you feel better soon.

02-03-2012, 07:50 AM
Forwells: I checked out the sight. I think it eased my mind a bit to see the hundred or so symptoms there, most in which I have. I think I will be able to cover the cost. Thank you so much, man! Also, I am surprised that I am the first to say dual vision. Especially due to the fact that there are so many people on this forum.

Scared&Worried: Yeah. I think it is like OCD. Like, I have to look them up. I'll try my best to stop, though. Soon, I am going to try and find an anxiety-management counselor and work some things out. ^-^

02-04-2012, 11:06 AM
Sucks. Hearing throbbing in my ears and my pressure in my head is getting worse.

And I don't think this has to do with anxiety, but for some reason I have developed these little white, raised... things on my torso and arm. Two on my upper torso, one on my arm. My dad says they are just moles, but since I am a hypochondriac, it is just making me more anxious and worried.