View Full Version : I don't get it

02-02-2012, 01:44 PM
Alright, at the moment, I'm quite anxious, and anxiety makes me worry about all sorts of random nonsense sometimes. For example, recently, I pretty much flipped the bird at a member of my family who I'm very close to, but behind their back. The thing is, I don't know why. They had made a minor criticism, which I actually agreed with and would be useful in the future. But then, as soon as they turned away, I stuck up my middle finger. Then I stopped. I had no reason to do that, was what went through my head. I'm not sure if I made some sort of connection to another time and started doing it automatically, because like I said, I suddenly became aware of doing it and stopped. It's not Turrets Syndrome, because that's the only time I can think of doing something without being in control. The worst of this is that my anxiety of late had made feel bad about myself, because I had no reason to do it and have no idea why I did. Any of you know how to help me stop feeling bad about this.

02-02-2012, 02:37 PM
HI okami,

were u stressed or particularly angry when this incident occured? Periods of anxiety are very stressful, and the more stressed u become without getting rid of it, the easier it is to become angry and anxious. Think of urself as a glass, and stress as chocolate milkshake. If the glass has no milkshake in it, if a little bit of milk is added, then the milk doesnt cause much of a problem and some people thrive on a little bit of chocolate milk :-) However, if ur glass is full already, just adding a little bit of chocolate milkshake can make the glass overflow and pour all over your white table cloth! But in this case, I am pretty sure your family member will forgive you, knowing ur having a hard time, so your tablecloth is washable :-)

What I'm trying to say is, ur going through a stressfull time and I'm sure your family will understand.

I'm sure, being as upset as u are about it, it wont happen again, you are obviously a kind and caring person, who doesnt want to do these things, there are plenty of people who wouldnt give a jot about showing someone a finger :-)

I think the best thing you can do is to have a hot shower, or bath, and spend some time relaxing, and apologise to ur family member if they are offended.

Try not to beat urself up, everyone gets stressed, and if it becomes any more of a problem then go to ur GP :-) hope I helped

02-07-2012, 01:48 PM
thank youu

02-07-2012, 02:47 PM
OK, anxiety can make you extremely irritable. Could it be that you simply were very irritable?...I get that way at times. Very much so if my sleep is very poor(from poor REM sleep). Learn from it that's all. Alankay.