View Full Version : Would a heath care positon be too much for someone with anxiety? And a small update.

02-02-2012, 12:22 AM
I would really like to be an LPN. Then continue to study for RN. In the end I want to be a RN and work in Diabetes Education. But I am worried. If stress brings on anxiety, and I am prone to anxiety anyway, would I just be setting myself up for disaster? In my "what if" thinking, I am scared that I will get my LPN, then work a few shifts then get a major panic attack and go into an anxiety "funk". Like I am now, you can see in my previous posts that I am going through a really hard time right now. I have accepted that this is due to my grief and that it will pass. Its been 2 months and I am now confident that it WILL pass. I just have to keep faith. But if anyone does work in the health care field, maybe you can tell me how it is?

On another note, I have been doing a little better. I went out shopping tonight. Granted I had to come home a little earlier but at the very least I went. I went clear across town! It was even dark out. (anxiety is harder at night). So I hope that what I am doing is helping. One foot in front of the other. Sometimes I am afraid that this is all for nothing, and that it will never pass, but then I pray and I just HAVE to believe that I will heal. God Bless. :)) Its kinda like therapy typing this out. So thanks for reading.

02-02-2012, 05:09 AM
Would you really want to hold yourself back from what you would really like to do because of something that may or may not happen? You could go to school, work hard at it and it could all go just well and you end up helping lots of people.

But that's good you're making steps to get out. But it sounds exciting if you are really going for it to be a nurse. Have you made any phone calls to schools or about financial aid yet? (Now is a good time to fill out the FAFSA because slots start filling up in Jan. & you need last years' taxes to do it.)