View Full Version : Anxiety Tipping Point, Humiliated and Need Help

02-01-2012, 06:15 AM
WARNING: Please do not read if you are squeamish about bodily (mal)functions.

I had my anxiety tipping point at work last night. Earlier in the day I had gotten some upsetting news. Well, Of course who is the first person you call when in trouble? Mom. So, I called her and she had a stuffy head that nothing she had was fixing it so I went and stopped at the drug store and brought her some medicine and stopped at her house on my way to work. Told her what was going on. Of course she tells me not to worry, that it'll turn out alright. That was about 20 mins. or so before I head off for work just chatting with my Mom. Got to work. My job is pretty boring and my mind tends to wander. I've been crying at work months now, hoping no one notices when I do, if they question it its just some lame excuse like allergies and everything is fine and my runny head is not contagious. I cant stop it anymore. My mind automatically goes to these anxious thoughts at work. Last night it finally broke me. I got myself so worked up gave myself a headache, ate some ibuprophen on an empty stomach and well, with each breath I took the nasty feeling in my stomach just got worse and by this time I was all the way over the ledge...and..I'm very usually able to hold my cookies well enough to get to a bathroom in time but, I didn't make it. Ugh, disgusting, embarrassed, humiliated.

Ended up going home sick. My brain and my worries are literally making me lose my lunch. And I'm going to lose my job if I don't get this fixed. I don't even know if I should go into work today. I'm afraid of having too many absences.

Its been years since I've gotten any treatment...last stab at anything was around 23 I went to a therapist to try and quit smoking. But then she more wanted to talk about my childhood things that happened and I ended up quitting the therapy because she seemed like some sort of emotional pervert who wanted to see me in pain. (As opposed to a regular pervert, who doesn't care as long as you're naked.)

Previously I'd been diagnosed (as a teen) with social anxiety, OCD, and major depression. Took Prozac for a while, but took myself off because it was like, not being able to hear yourself think. I was just some weird automaton going through the motions.

Obviously I've been knocked down a peg or two since my know-it-all teen years. I need some kind of hope that there's a way to at least keep my anxiety down from tears and vomit to some sweating and shaking that would be ok for me. That's all I'm looking for: not a miracle, I just want to keep myself and most of my fluids together. But at this point I just want to shut it all out and go hide forever. Its never been this bad before; but I've never really had problems this serious either.

So, what I probably need is encouragement to finally go back to a therapist.

02-01-2012, 07:19 AM
Dream, I would definitely start at a GP and tell him your history. Maybe prozac was not the best SSRI for you. Try zoloft perhaps and get his recommendation on a therapist. Anxiety is famous for giving us stomach issues. We all blow chow at times so don't beat yourself up over that!! Hey, it happens! PM me any time. Alankay.

02-02-2012, 03:29 AM
Well, I didn't get in with a GP. I made an appointment with a therapist that does sliding scale fees. I don't have insurance and not a lot of extra cash to throw around. I do probably need an explanation note for work (very strict about attendance) about why I missed. I hate how this is happening in my head and making me so sick I can't control it anymore. I'm 27 years old, I should know how to handle these things by now? But I think that's just me getting anxious over my anxiety.

Another thing I worry about is that I will just be medicated and/or locked away without anybody really listening. I don't mind the idea of using medications to help me while I learn how to get a handle on my negative trains of thought but I mean, pills get lost. I've read recently about pharmacies having shortages of certain ADHD medications. I WANT the mental tools to do it myself but it seems like it'd be more profitable to keep me mentally sedated than to progress me to independent functionality.

And I do have a lot more options now that I am over 18. At time I think there were a lot of psych. medications yet to be approved for use by minors. But now they are finding out that Prozac use has led to birth defects. Some of these drugs are so new, even drugs from over 10 years ago they are learning about side effects.

I want to be more open to finding the solution but I do have those reservations about those routes.