View Full Version : Anxiety: Advice needed please.

01-31-2012, 11:51 PM
About 9 months ago i ended a 2 year streak of alcohol and drug abuse. The first few months of my sobriety were very difficult, i cant recall alot of those days. Anyhow since i have sobered up i have noticed that i am very paranoid. I had the issue during my binge drinking, but it was less noticeable. When i leave the kitchen, i think i left the stove on. I have to go back and check, then when i leave the kitchen again, i think i still left the stove off. When i am cycling to work, i think i hit a car, even though i did not. When i make a small mistake at work, i think i will be fired, even though part of me realizes that i will not be fired, the stove is not on and i did not damage anybodys car. It seems i have everything going for me in life but just cannot trust myself. Usually i am burdened with repetitive thoughts like: did i hit the car? did i leave the stove on? Even though i know i did not.