View Full Version : New here: Desperate for help...

01-31-2012, 04:39 PM
Hello everybody. I am new here, and would like to introduce myself. My name is Alex, and I am 16 years old.

I am desperate for help, and figured this is the best place to come. Let me tell my story:

It all started back in mid-July of 2011. I got in bed to go to sleep, though it didn't last long. I started shaking very badly, and long-story-short, had my first anxiety attack. I didn't know it was anxiety at first. I told my parents, and they said that it was most likely anxiety. Over the months, it kept getting worse and worse. The breathing got harder and harder, the chest pains, etc.

In mid-December of 2011, my parents finally got tired of hearing me complain and took me to our doctor. She checked me out. I had an EKG, they took 4 viles of blood for testing, etc. Everything came back O.K.

For a week or so after that, I started feeling just fine. My breathing went back to normal and the chest pains disappeared. It wasn't so bad until the beginning of January of this year. For some reason, my very-lower back is really still when I try and move my pelvic area forward, and I started having some minor fatigue. I tell my parents, and their response: It's all in your head; you're a hypochondriac.

Okay, okay. I see. Now, about half a week ago, it got really bad. I was looking up my symptoms on the internet (Aye...) and came across something about a Brain Tumor. I looked at it, and started getting really worried that I might have one, since most of the symptoms added up to mine. The next day after I saw that, I started developing minor headaches and started getting a little dizzy. Sometimes I hear a throbbing in my ear for a couple of second, my ears seem sort of plugged, and I feel kind of light headed. Last night I had really hard time sleeping. I was sweating all night really bad, felt REALLY bad fatigue, tossing and turning constantly, and I kept dreaming of me dying. I would constantly wake up, too.

I don't know what to do. Overall my symptoms have been:
Minor Cold Flashes
Head Tics (I get a weird feeling in the head, then it kind of twitches to the side for a second)
Minor Headaches
Minor Blurriness and Dual-Seeing (Not anymore. I see fine now...)
Aches and Pains all over my body... my legs, parts of my chest, my wrist, neck, head, etc.
Trouble breathing. (Much better now though)
Feeling of Drowsiness (my eyes fell real heavy, like I need to sleep)

I am worried I may have a brain tumor or something. I am REALLY worried. I think about it excessively and cant help but to look up my symptoms. Like I said before though, the doctor (in mid-December) said I was fine. Also, I can't afford another because my dad lost his job, and since my parents think I am a hypochondriac they wouldn't take me anyways... HELP!?

*EDIT* My dad just asked me if I wanted to go out to eat and rent a movie. HE asked me where and what movie, and when I said I don't really want to be making decisions right now because of how I am feeling, he told me I am turning into a lunatic and is saying that I am trying to hold on to this anxiety and these feelings.

01-31-2012, 06:12 PM
Hi Alex. Sorry that you are dealing with all of that. Must be tough for somebody your age! I can tell you, that I am 31 years old and I too make the mistake of using the internet to Google my physical symptoms. There have been countless times that I have been convinced that I have had one terminal illness or another. And usually, shortly after reading the symptoms, I start developing some of the symptoms which I have read about. The mind is very powerful, and can start to condition your body to feel specific symptoms.

Maybe you should try sitting down and having a real heart to heart with your parents. I know that right now they are kind of down playing things, but maybe if you chose an appropriate time and tried to really explain how this is effecting you? Ask them to support you, and to help you feel better. Hopefully they will see that this is really bothering you, and then try to figure things out like a family. If all else fails, maybe you could speak to a guidance counsellor at school and let them know about your situation. I know this is all easier said then done, but is worth giving it a shot. I hope you get the help/support you are looking for.

02-01-2012, 05:00 AM
hey alex,

i can def relate to the parental stuff. i had just moved back home with my parents when it all started, and even though my anxiety had nothing to do wth that, they just assumed that it did and didnt realize that i needed help. they reluctantly let me go to a therapist, and until they sat down to speak to her themselves, they were still unsupportive. that was extremely hard because i actually have a very strong relationship with my parents. the point is, is that it is very hard for people to understand just how bad you feel. true, like forwells said, it is in your head and you do cling to it, however, people who've never experienced it before don't realize how hard it is to cling to it. if your parents are willing, i suggest you go speak to a therapist.
there are some things that can help calm you. meditation, as suggested by forwells, chamomile tea, long walks outside, dr. bach's rescue remedy (homeopathic, no need for a prescription). i also find that trivia and word games help me get my mind off it.

best of luck

02-01-2012, 03:28 PM
Thanks, all. He kept saying I am clinging to it and I need to start getting away from video games and what not.

I am in school. Tomorrow I guess I could go to the counselor and ask what she thinks about the situation.

Also, my symptoms got stranger today. Nothing I have seen that is anxiety related...
First, I felt fine most of the day. But these things kept freaking me out:
1.) Pressure around the bridge of my nose.
2.) I would be sitting there feeling fine, and then suddenly, I would get a strange feeling at the front of my head (like... inside it.) and just feel dizzy for a second. Then it would go away. It happened off and on.
3.) On and off headaches.
4.) Plugged ears... I think they're plugged.
5.) At school, the teacher turned off the light for a second. When it got dark, I saw this flashing light all around the edge of my vision...
6.) The back right side of my head and both my temples hurt on and off...

Bah! This sucks! >.< I SERIOUSLY think I have a brain tumor or something!!!

02-01-2012, 03:40 PM
Dude, I'm sure this is all anxiety including the pressure in the head. Talk to your counselor. Your Dad is just assuming it is something else and is mistaken. Forgive him. You can go to your family doc for help as they are trained on it and costs much less than a specialist. Also are things at home in general OK?? Alankay?

02-01-2012, 03:48 PM
Alankay: Thanks. Things are alright. My dad lost his job not to long ago, but should be getting a job at the hospital soon... and my mom is gone a lot now because she is working extra hours and is gone excersing at the gym all the time.

02-01-2012, 03:55 PM
Dude, hang in there. Anxiety is something that there's help for. It's all high adrenaline messing with your body and mind. If you have an antihistamine(diphenhydramine, etc) in the med cabinet, that can help reduce anxiety and help you sleep. It's very safe too. Alankay.

02-01-2012, 03:57 PM
Alright, I'll try. During all my free time I'll be here on the forum and be looking for help and suggestions.

02-01-2012, 04:45 PM
And did I mention the pressure in my head? Kind of rotating around my head in a circle. Very strange.

02-01-2012, 06:19 PM
Very likely from anxiety believe it or not. Alankay.

02-02-2012, 03:16 AM
hey alex.
anxiety does weird things to your body, trust me. also, take into consideration that you're super self aware right now.
a good thing to do to get your mind off things is to find some sort of activity that keeps you busy. for me it is watching hockey and playing trivia games. i have a friend who during anxiety would scrapbook a lot. just things that keep you occupied. don't google.
also, if you're looking for a book that explains more about anxiety, try dr. claire weekes 'hope and help for your nerves'. someone on the forum suggested it a while ago and i found it very helpful. just keep in mind that it was written in 1969 and there are a few aspects that are a bit outdated. maybe you can give it to your parents to read afterwards so they can sort of understand what you are going thru.
chamomile tea is good- it can really help calm you down. i take dramamine to help me sleep, if i need to.
best of luck!

02-02-2012, 03:48 PM
Thanks! I'll try it out! Still, my headaches are freaking me out. Also, Alankay, I really do apologize if I am a bit irritating... just a bit scared. Like, all my symptoms matched up to that of a brain tumor. Thank you though! I'll try to keep in mind it will be okay!

Stevie: That book sounds good. Like I said, I will check it out. My mom tells me constantly to "get a grip", which doesn't exactly help. I read all about it, and how it mixes all these chemicals in your body.

Man, right now, my temples and back of my head sort of hurt. >.<
My mom says when we get health insurance, I have to go to a counselor. I'm not sure what that'd do, but she treats it as a bad thing.