View Full Version : Anxiety getting progressivley worse?

01-31-2012, 03:55 PM
Hi, I'm a new member.

I hope that someone is able to give me some advice about the way I'm feeling.

I'm 26, married and have two children. I have a decent job but it is contract work and is kind of always at risk as contract work is. My father always suffered from what I would call minor anxiety and I just didn't get it. I remember my mum gave him a hard time about his 'worrying', and we all just saw it as a self-imposed problem rather than a mental issue. When I entered my early twenties I started worrying also; as I got married, had children, bought a home etc... I felt the burden of responsibility get heavier and heavier until I was experiencing anxiety that far surpassed my father's.

I live in a constant fear of losing my job, my home, my loved ones etc... despite very little to indicate this might happen. In other words, even though I know these feelings are irrational I can't help them. In a social environment, I'm fine. In fact I regularly do public speaking and give presentations as part of my job and never get nervous. However, whenever I have a moment to be alone with my own thoughts, I will start thinking and planning about some 'worst-case scenarios' that could potentially happen to me. like me ruining my career, home burning down, something bad happening to my family, being diagnosed with a terminal illness etc... and it culminates to a point in which I have a panic attack. I will basically obsess over these things until I have a nervous breakdown, after it has passed I could just sleep for a day because my mind is totally exhausted.

I haven't been able to drag myself to see any doctor yet. I spoke to my wife about her accompanying me but she doesn't understand this. I'm constantly told to "just not to worry", I don't want to worry anymore, but I just can't think positively. About a year ago I went to the doctors about migraines and stomach pains, I was referred for an ultrasound, blood tests and subsequently a colonoscopy but I came up completely healthy. I'm starting to think it was all stress/anxiety related. Other physical symptoms include a racing heart, muscles twitches and aches and hyperventilation. Non-physical symptoms include feelings of worthlessness, sadness, stress, nerves (being jumpy) and a spacey feeling of being detached from my body which is kind of hard to explain. I go to sleep easily, but always wake up extremely early and the first thing I think about is a worry... whatever has been playing on my mind the night before and there is always something to worry about, I just go from worry to worry.

In addition to this, I have OCD which started at the same time roughly as the anxiety. I have a routine before I got bed: checking all the locks on the doors, removing all the electrical plugs from the their sockets (to avoid electrical fire), touching all the knobs on the stove (to avoid a gas explosion) and making sure all the faucets are extra tight so that they don't magically turn on over night and flood us. Leaving the house is a nightmare I (rather traditionally for OCD) keep turning back when I get to the bottom of the road to double (triple, quadruple) check that the locks on the front and back door are properly secure.

I also am quite concerned that I am drifting into a depressed state. After long periods of worry, I often see no way out and feel trapped. If I lost my job for example, I don't know what I would do. I don't see a good future for myself, nor do I feel as though I have anything good going for me and have an emptiness when I think about the future. I have a lot of people who rely on me and don't want to be seen as a total failure.

I know that my best option here is to go speak to the doctor, but I am highly embarrassed about speaking to someone I don't know about this (I don't even have a family doctor). I just wanted to get these things off my chest and speak to people who know what I'm going through. Sorry if post is disorganized or hard to read, I just kind of wanted to get everything out of my head at the same time... I know there are no magic words to make feel change overnight but I just have a feeling that this could help me.

01-31-2012, 04:15 PM
Panic, sounds like Generalized Anxiety Disorder to me(with some panic). It can lead to all you have described in the way of a depressed mood and well as stomach issues which anxiety is famous to mascaraed as(migraines too). Seeing a doc for a trial of buspar, an ssri and/or a counselor would help. I bet you could really reduce your anxiety allot. Telling all this to a doc should not embarrass you as this is quite a common issue with folks believe me. PM me any time. Alankay.

01-31-2012, 06:56 PM
Maybe you should try not to listen to The Smiths too much! Joking aside however, I feel the same about going to the doctors regarding anxiety even though I know its the right thing to do, and the reason ive joined this forum is to use it as an alternative. But there is no substitute for speaking to a trained professional I imagine, so you (and I) should definitely take heed of the above

02-03-2012, 04:17 PM
Thanks everybody for your posts.

I actually bit the bullet and saw the doctor yesterday, It was an extremely worrying time. My wife came with me. I had blood work done and In the end he prescribed me Cipralex 1 10mg daily and Ativan whenever I feel a panic attack coming on. To be honest I was really grateful for something 'instant', my nerves were through the roof and I don't have the confidence or motivation for CBT yet, but is certainly on my radar.

And thanks to S&W who PM'd me(I couldn't PM you back, my post count is under 10), I really appropriate it and will take your advice.

02-03-2012, 09:32 PM
You are welcome! Good luck with everything. I hope you start feeling better soon!