View Full Version : Symptoms and help! It's horrible!

01-30-2012, 05:08 PM
My anxiety has hit me so hard the past 3 weeks . Been to the doctor said I was fine and gave me hydroxyzine to help calm me down during my panic attacks. Well my attacks kept getting worse and I ended upsetting my stomach so bad that I got acid reflux from it. Been taking medicine for it but I still keep thinking something is wrong with me, I'm always for the past 3 weeks when it gets night I get scared because I think I'm not going to wake up in the morning. I went to doctor this past Friday and he checked me out again my heart was fine my breathing was fine blood pressure in all where fine. I'm struggling to believe it. I always feel weak , when I have my attacks I feel sick, diarrhea, pressure in my head, chest tightness ,feel like I can't breathe,arms tingly,I also think I'm going to have a heart attack and I scared I'm scared to eat , I mean I do try to eat bland foods with the acid reflux. But I get scared that if I eat I'll go into a heart attack. I eat healthy and workout, and I get so scared that I always go on this forum and read things to make feel better or I look up my symptoms and sometimes I read things that make it worse,like for instance with the acid reflux I looked it up because I didn't believe my mom on what she was telling me, and it freaked me out that I can mistake this acid reflux and it could be a heart attack. So that is in my head. Like my mom, boyfriend,nannie, and uncle all tell me it's in my head and that my brain is thinking this stuff and making body feel this way even though everything is fine I'm still so scared out of my mind . I'm only 21 and I shouldn't be like this or thinking of dying at all. The doctor put me on lexapro and I'm scared to take it! idk why, I know it will help me, I just need help other than medicine, I just need reassurance from people and know I'm not going crazy and not the only one feeling like this!

01-30-2012, 05:45 PM
Hi Kayla.

I went through a period where I was also afraid to go to sleep, thinking that I wouldn't wake up. I know how scary that can be. I also get many of the physical symptoms which you have described. I also suffer from acid reflux. Here are somethings which have really helped me over the past few weeks, to minimize some of my symptoms, and to make going to bed less scary:

-regular exercise, better diet, breathing techniques, counseling, chamomile tea, reading. I have also chosen to avoid alcohol, caffeine, violent tv shows/movies.

Just a few ideas. I found that these tips have helped me quite a bit, although I still have a long way to go.

Good Luck. I hope you started noticing some improvement, even if it is a little bit at a time. Just be patient and determined.


01-30-2012, 07:37 PM
thank you both for the help and advice. i feel at ease now, that i have other peoples opinions and knowing im not the only one. i know it will take some time for me to get through this but i believe i can do it, i just have to tell myself nothing is wrong and that i will be fine and listen to what people are telling me. I reallly appreciate the help from yall.