View Full Version : Interesting idea to battle anxiety

01-30-2012, 10:15 AM
Hi everyone. As we all know, our anxiety can often hold us back, making it difficult to face certain places, situations, etc. I was talking to a friend of mine who also deals with anxiety. He had an interesting way of dealing with anxiety. He says that he likes to treat his situation like a game. Him against anxiety. Anytime that he gets anxious about going somewhere (attending a social function, going to the grocery store, going to the gym, etc), he keeps score/tally.

If he pushes through it and ends up going to the social function he gives himself one point. If he can't overcome his anxiety, and he stays home, well...score one point for anxiety....

He finds that the more points that he is able to earn, the better mood it puts him in, visually seeing all the points he has earned, and how far behind anxiety trails. It makes him realize that he is able to take control, rather then letting his anxiety control him.

I thought it was interesting, and thought I would share.

I hope that everyone is seeing positive change (even if it's only for an hour...it's something!!). I feel great today. My second great day this week. Many obstacles in between, and a very horrible sleep last night, but appreciative of the good moments. Gonna try to build from the good moments.



01-30-2012, 11:40 AM
Good post, I like the idea anything that gives you confidence or a moment of happiness is progress for sure. The way I see it the only way to get past anxiety it to show it that you are tougher tea and it is, and it works itself out, so this seems like a good idea. I believe you could also do this on a smaller scale, such to say something like this, when you have anxiety give it a point, when you get past it give yourself one, and so on the score would be even but as long as you have one point everyone anxiety does then it means you are getting past it and to me being able to look at that score and see that yes you have anxiety, but you beat it EVERYTIME would be huge to your confidence.