View Full Version : Latest anxiety scare? Red/flushed face?

01-30-2012, 08:33 AM
Im 27, over weight and have sleep apnea. I have been on prozac for about 6 weeks now to help with my anxiety and hypochondria(cyberchondria) At the time I was put on Prozac I was also put on Amlodipine besylate for my high blood pressure which freaked me out. I think it was 160 over 110 or something like that. Ever since I've been put on meds for HB I've been terribly scared that the meds aren't working. Within the last 3 weeks I've started getting hot flashes that will last an hour or so, It will accompanied with a mild headache and watery eyes. Well when I first noticed this I went right back into my old habit of looking up side effects and what illnesses go with those side effects and found High blood pressure. I am in between jobs right now and wont have medical insurance for another month. I don't have the money to spare for a blood pressure monitor at home and the ones at the grocery stores barely fit my arm plus I've gotten two different readings right after another that were very far apart so i don't think they are accurate.

My anxiety has gotten so bad about this high blood pressure that I keep looking in the mirror to see if my face is red and I get very cold hands and feet when I think its the slightest bit red. I remember getting hot flashes before (usually in winter months) but it has never scared me this much until the doctor told me I had high blood pressure and put me on meds for it. My biggest fear is obviously having a heart attack or stroke and being at home alone with my two year old and cant fend for himself if something happens to me. I am getting some panic attacks over this HB. My anxiety is so bad i'm carrying around my cellphone constantly thinking that I can dial 911 if something happens to me, I've also unlocked my front door and put a sign on it that says "please try and come in if no one answers the door" thinking that if I call 911 and something happens to me and cant answer the door the paramedics would know to come in. This is how stupid I have become over this.

Now I have read that my medication can cause flushing/headaches etc.. I constantly look up different sites that say this and it puts my mind at ease and I just keep telling myself "its only a side effect of the medication" then i'll fall back into that slump after a couple hours and think that its my BP spiking and then I end up back at a mirror looking at my face for 20 minutes at time.

Does anyone have any suggestions to help me through this??

01-30-2012, 08:43 AM
a family member has also told me it could be my sinuses. Two months ago my sinus walls started getting swollen and I couldn't breathe properly out of my nose. I didn't have any discharge or post nasal drip or anything. Then a couple weeks Later i developed a sinus infection with discharge and it lasted about a month and took 2 cycles of antibiotics for it to disappear. My nose still hasn't been right since and I get times to where I blow my nose and its mostly blood. A week ago I developed a cold (or so I thought) but its still here and I think its turning into a sinus infection again.

01-30-2012, 10:03 AM
I hear ya. Google can often be my worst enemy! It took me a long time to believe that my physical symptoms were related to anxiety. Previously I have spent countless hours, look for unusual lumps, moles, etc on my body. I also used to frequently look in the mirror, making sure that I didn't look yellow. I was worried that I could have pancreatitis. I also had a short episode where I became obsessed with my body weight, because I was dropping so much weight without trying. I thought that this was a sign that I could have stomach cancer. Little did I realize, I was dropping weight due to anxiety/depression, because I had lost my appetite. I have been exercising more frequently, and now I get hungry more often. Naturally I have started to gain some weight back. Anxiety can be very tricky. Really makes you think that you have something physically wrong with you. Try some light exercise for the next few days to see how that makes you feel. Even just 15-20 minute walk around the block. Might make you feel better. Just a thought. I hope you feel better soon. Remember...No Google (reminding myself as well.. Haha)

01-30-2012, 10:14 AM

Google is my worst enemy when it comes to my health.

In the past i've thought i had:

Stomach Cancer
Brain Tumor,
Heart attacks/strokes
Breast cancer (im a guy too) lol
Pancreatic Cancer
Kidney Stones
Stomach Ulcer

That is just what I can remember, but the list goes on

01-30-2012, 10:24 AM
I've been through that whole list too (except breast cancer)...but all the others. At one point or another I believed that I had it!! Try the light exercise and maybe starting a new hobby (or getting active in one that you have stopped doing for a long time). I've learned that you have to battle anxiety like a baseball player. You can't always swing for the homerun (there isn't one thing that is going to fix you). You need to hit many singles, trying many small things to help you feel better. We are all bound to hit a foul ball every now and then, but keep swinging for those singles. All those singles will start scoring many runs for you. I now it sounds funny, but I like this comparison!! Take it easy!

01-30-2012, 03:46 PM
It just makes me worried at times because ive been having this problem quite a bit even when I dont think about it.

01-31-2012, 07:26 PM

Google is my worst enemy when it comes to my health.

In the past i've thought i had:

Stomach Cancer
Brain Tumor,
Heart attacks/strokes
Breast cancer (im a guy too) lol
Pancreatic Cancer
Kidney Stones
Stomach Ulcer

That is just what I can remember, but the list goes on

They are just child's play! Ive had Guillian Barre syndrome, MS, and a whole host of others. I'm going abroad very soon and I am anticipating I will return with a plethora of tropical diseases. But seriously, It sounds like you should get more active rather than searching for symptoms online. Swimming can be really good - its a non stressful way to lose weight - which would perhaps eradicate your sleep apnea - tone your body and improve your heart. And, there are life guards at public pools, so no need to purchase a waterproof phone for those 911 calls! Then again, there are plenty of options vis-a-vis activities, swimming is just one that helps me.

01-31-2012, 09:59 PM
don't take blood pressure more than twice in the AM or PM. record all data for a month. take data and your BP cuff to MD-- show she/he data and check your BP cuff for accuracy. Then don't take BP more than once/day ever!!!!!