View Full Version : any self help programs that work?

01-30-2012, 03:16 AM
Well its going on 2 months of agony. I have ok days and horrible nights. I'm sick of catering to my anxiety. I'm prone to night time attacks, they wake me up at night. I can't go to sleep until 4am because I feel the later I.stay up lessens the chance for an attack. just in the past 2 yrs it has been off and on for me. Devestating life.change triggers it. I'm 28 and I hav a boyfriend and a child. But we live with my parents. Because of my anxiety! Im terrified to not be with my mom. She is my "safe person" I made this house my "safe place". And even the thougjt of leaving sends me into panic. I work PT at a job I hate. I appear normal but inside is complete turmoil. I can drive and shop and do normal things, just with anxiety. Im getting my tax refund. I'm willing to pay out 4 a program that works. Are there any?? Which one is worth trying? I need help by march. My mom and family are going to texas for a week. I started a panic attack just writing that. I told her to go I will be fine, but I wont! I will panic the whole time they are gone. (sorry for all the errors, typing on my phone, grrr)

01-30-2012, 09:53 AM
Hello there! I also find that my anxiety is the worst at night time. I too, having problems falling asleep until 3-4 am, however, I have had a few good nights of sleep in the past few weeks. Try cleaning, re-decorating your room to make it more relaxing. Maybe some chamomile tea and some breathing exercises before bed. Try it out. Helped me a bit. Good luck! S&W

01-30-2012, 06:56 PM
I guess I'm wondering if they really work. I mean, I see ads for "panic away, linden method" and that late night infomercial on tv with Lucinda Bassett. I just want to know if anyone tried those. Or if I am just wasting my money. I also seen one call CTRN. I feel that this is going to overcome my life soon. Causing me to stay in bed for the rest of my life. I need to do something now. I just can't live like this anymore. Struggling just to be alive isn't a way to live.

jon mike
01-31-2012, 10:16 AM
I would buy one of those programs if I was worried if I don't do something soon then I'll be bed ridden? Surely they're worth a try? Health over wealth I reckon! They'll help you more than they won't help you. Is that a bad thing. Good luck x