View Full Version : Work but fun

12-11-2006, 10:25 PM
I want everyone to know that I think work can be fun... There was a time when I would have disagreed with that.
Ever since I had a heart attack I am finding fun in so many places.... even grocery shopping can be an adventure.
When you wonder if you will ever have the strength or desire to do anything again and your scared to move because another heart attack might come,that's the time you know you must find a way to keep living, not just existing.
I guess what I am trying to say is ,finding the joy in things is a better way for me to keep my spirits up and fight the anxiety and stress and depression that waits around the corner, but I refuse to take that way around the block and I work at finding other paths to get me where I want to be.

Maybe you can find a different path to side step your anxiety or related issues.


12-16-2006, 12:05 PM
Hi Lorraine,

Its good to a hear a good positive approach & I completely agree with you. I find by keeping my mind active and interested in work or even housework it can be enough to destract my anxious thoughts & stop me slipping into panic attacks & depression.

I`ve found that over a period of months my positive outlook has helped to `re-train` my brainwaves & deal with lifes problems more easily with fewer anxiety attacks. Im lucky enough to have had cognitive therapy where it was explained to me that anxiety is the minds way of expressing stress & that the brain over time sees anxiety as being the normal everyday way of working & needs to be retrained to work at a calmer axiety free level. Finding a happy thought & being able to empty my mind along with breathing techniques really helped.

keep up the good work &well done. :mrgreen:

12-17-2006, 12:55 AM
I am so happy that you are getting results from your programs. It is a great feeling when all of the work we do to help ourselves is noticeable in our daily activities and even in our relationships at home ,work and socially too.
The more we learn and practice whatever techniques work for us,the bettter we can live an anxiety free life.
I have used a visualization program along with goal setting,self image work and fitness routines.
Being more fit has made me feel better about myself and it has given me a way to relieve stress and lower my blood pressure as well.
There are so many spill over benefits when we find things that work for us.
It seems to have a mushrooming affect.
Just as anxiety can feed off of anxiety so can positive improvements grow each day that we use them.
There is always a front and a back, an up and a down, an in and an out to all aspects of the world. Just as there is negative there is positive.
Look at every situation and you can find the opposite in that situation whether it be good or bad.
Keep moving forward and you will find so many wonderful opportunities and interesting possibilities .

We can end anxiety one event at a time.... Lorraine