View Full Version : Cannot feel my head

01-29-2012, 08:05 PM
My head feels like it is not there. I got nervous one night and my body felt like it was becoming one with the air.. after a very anxious and terrible place I was stuck out.

This feeling went away after I went home and slept. Fast forward a few days later I went to my friends house who always makes me nervous driving to, we played madden for 11 hrs, and when I stood up it felt like my body was melting into air and I couldnt feel my head.

It just feels like it is not there since. I don't feel real. What the fuck?

01-30-2012, 03:55 AM
Did u mean lighthedness + numbness + felling of unreality? That's Axiety, try to massage those spots ( in your case whole head ), it helps alot for me.

02-02-2012, 06:34 PM
I think it would be jumping to conclusions to assume you also meant "feelings of unreality" - that would suggest disassociation/ fugue state almost. Would that even be classified as 'anxiety'?

Not to dispute you have those feelings - and I dont intend to patronise you - but I read in a previous post of yours that you go to the gym, and I was wondering if you lift weights by any chance? Im only mentioning this because I have had that feeling before as a result of muscle strain in my neck. Maybe massage that

Or alternatively - with regards to the episode you had at your friend's house - after sitting or lying down for extended periods of time a drop in blood pressure can occur when you stand up. You get the same sort of feeling when you get out of a hot bath, or get up to go to the toilet in the middle of the night. Also when Ive played games for hours, It can make you feel 'starey' and lightheaded

02-02-2012, 06:43 PM
Yep, could be the time seated and gaming before standing. Alankay

02-02-2012, 06:50 PM
How anxious do you feel about Mitt Romney Alan?