View Full Version : Choice to make

01-29-2012, 04:47 AM
I have been suffering from really bad anxiety for the last 4-6 months due to my latest job.
I thought it would be something I enjoyed but I dont. Its a lot of pressure, If you dont make target you are sworn at and told you are not pulling your weight. I studied psychology and this is just not for me. I made a bad choice and I accept that but the anxiety I suffer from hating my job is immesne. I am not myself. I am edgy, grumpy and tired. I cry all the time and I suffer from sever anxiety on my way to work. Sundays are the worst. I feel like my life is revolving around my despair at my job.

I have managed to secure a part time job in the afternoons...Ill be earning quiet a bit less than I am but at least its some form of income. I have also been contacted by a remedial school to do tutoring which would be awesome but when they need someone they need them NOW and unfortunately they cant wait for notice periods.
I have now lost 2 opportunities to work there in the mornings because I hadnt resigned yet.
The lady spoke to said that she will keep me updated if anything changes.

Now I had decided to resign on Monday....but now I will have this afternoon job and wait until the school opp becomes available again. I know it is a risk but I am desperate. I just want to be myself again. Im tired of dreading going to bed knowing I have to wake up utterly miserable, feeling like a huge grip is around my throat and heart.

I am 24... and living by myself... the thing is is that my parents immigrated and left me the house because it was quiet rushed. I am supported with rent, water and lights and much more so I know I am lucky in that regard. I do have my own expenses though such as the phone, savings, food, petrol etc.

It would be a hectically tight budget and while my mom is on board to help me out a little more if need be (she has been through something similar), my dad isnt so much.

My boyfriend supports me and so do my friends in thinking that I should resign since they have seen how I have changed from a bubbly and fun person to a morbid, excessively tired and anxious bore.

Any advice on the matter would be so appreciated!
I want to quit tomorrow morning more than anything

01-29-2012, 08:05 AM
Wind, one word. Quit. I recall your past post and am proud of you that you still managed to carry on past that point. You are a "trooper" as we say here(US, I thought you might be in the UK).
You had 2 offers so a third will also come in time. You gave it your best, you tried and I believe it's not so much you can't do it as the job and boss are just too damn demanding and mean. No boss should swear at you.
So what to do now??? Wipe you feet at the door on the way out and don't look back. Screw 'em as we say here.
Then focus on feeling better and taking on what ever new jobs or changes need to be made to make your money stretch so you can keep your head above water. You have your boyfriend, Mom's and friends support and had given that job a fair trial. It's not worth it. Move on and don't feel bad. I've had to resign and never regretted as long as you just be professional and stand your ground. Just leave "do to differences with your boss resulting in verbal abuse to you". It won't ruin your resume as you are young so it's not like you have a giant long history of this same scenario. This stuff does happen.
So, first complete the resignation and then forget that job/place/boss completely. Then dedicate all your positive energy to the future jobs/tweaking finances/family/close friends and move on. In a way you'll appreciate a decent boss/job more for the experience. Life's too short for that crap. You will move on and be fine if you just put you energy to figuring out how to mange the change in finances and not worrying about anything else. PM me any time you'd like. Alan.

01-29-2012, 02:08 PM
I'm sure another opportunity will come up for employment, but you won't get the days of your life back that you are spending being so unhappy. I would quit and be thankful about it. Until then there is always other ways to make some extra money until you get another job. Rent a room in your house now that there arn't as many people living in it, get a paper route, sell clutter, if your crafty there is always selling home made things on ebay or etsy. Good luck!