View Full Version : scary anxiety symptoms

01-28-2012, 10:44 PM
my anxiety keeps getting worse as time goes on and my symptoms are getting more severe the worst one being immobility. its really hard for me to believe that its just anxiety but ive had numerous tests done and theres nothing wrong with me.

01-29-2012, 02:19 AM
Hey man i know exactly how your feeling i cant even keep a job my anxiety is so bad i really dont know what to do at this point i just had a job last week and the morning of my first day my anxiety was so high i blew it off im goin crazy your not alone man

01-29-2012, 10:45 AM
sorry to hear about your job. some days are worse than others. some of the symptoms are just so scary and freak me out soo bad. like the immobility thing. it gets so bad that i literally cant move my arms and legs they feel so heavy and i really start freaking out that im having a stroke or something. its soo scary

01-29-2012, 10:54 AM
Luc, are you getting treatment? If so what kind? Alankay

01-29-2012, 12:24 PM
Same here,when the symptoms remain uncontrolled always seems when once again be placed in bed .. I think it is awful when you can not understand, remains better or worse. Have done toons of tests too(still worrying, maybe they have missed something.) Good luck luc..Peace

01-29-2012, 02:06 PM
This one is such a b***h!

I have celiac disease, so if I ever eat some accidental gluten, my body gives me the most brutal anxiety ever. It feels like someone is hitting my head like a tennis ball. I struggle to walk straight, see straight. My arms are just numb etc. That stroke feeling. It's important to know that adrenaline causes this. When the body is awash with it, it just totally knocks us off our stride. What you are feeling is quite a bad case of it, but still, once that adrenaline is under control, this feeling will reduce and disappear.

As Alan asked, have you talked to your doctor about this, or receiving treatment for anxiety? It sounds like it needs to be addressed as it's own issue now.