View Full Version : New here ..questions also

01-27-2012, 11:04 PM
I'm 25 male and am currently running out of energy .. It all started with fear of a heart attack that lead me to stop excersizing and doing sports which I love .. I started reading the symptoms and it usually helped but recently I have been walking around with pressure in my head and the feeling that I might pass out but never have . Tried deep breathing and felt very light headed scared I was going to faint .. I feel strange and the neck tightness and head pressure won't stop .. Any ideas .. Just to the point where I'm tired of dealing with these sensations which seems to flux as soon as one gets better another steps up to worry me

01-28-2012, 10:46 AM
Hi Woodyjr42
You are not the only one who get's the tightness and head pressure.I'm going through that right now.My anxiety started 9 months ago,and that symptom I've had for the last 5 months and at first it scared the crap outta me!I guess I've come used to it now.I've never passed out myself from it but sometimes that thought is there too,it is just another pesky symptom of anxiety.I won't be of much help to you but I find the busier I keep the less bothersome it is.I also listen to meditation as I go to sleep to help me relax.I have constant tense neck and shoulder muscles which makes me wonder if it has something to do with those sensations?Perhaps even a massage would help?Sorry if I'm not much help,but I know how you feel and how frustrating it is!

01-28-2012, 10:55 AM
Woody, have you visited a GP and told him all your symptoms? If you can't get calmed and less anxious by yourself, he might be able to prescribe a course of say 6 months on zoloft and get you feeling better. Slowly taper off it and see how you do. Also a counselor would help if you prefer a non med route. One would be good anyway even with a med. Just my thoughts. PM me any time. Alankay.

01-28-2012, 12:15 PM
I wanted to reply to this one, as my issues follow the exact same path. My anxiety troubles started about 6 months or so back, it started with a sudden chest pain that made me sure I was having a heart attack! That pain persisted for a few weeks and I finally went to the er about it, they did all the standard issue stuff, ekg, blood work, etc... All was normal, the doctor even said, look, you're 25 you have perfect blood work, and a perfect ekg, so it's not your heart. I still have that pain to this day, it seems to come and go there was even a point where I went a couple weeks without it at all. After I got past the initial fear of heart problems the issue seemed to move into my stomach, I had a sharp pain in the upper stomach that I was sure was a pancreatitus, another er visit and again everything is fine. Those were the 2 major issues, but by far not all the problems I have had, I have had an almost constant nagging back pain, shoulder pain, stomach pains, etc... I also moved into the head issues, I felt pressure in my forehead and scalp, also my vision seemed to be a little blurier than normal and I seemed to get headaches alot, I went to the doctor about this and they told me I had a sinus infection a short course of antibiotics and it is better, but still there. I the past couple of days have been rough the pain in my chest has just been constant, and it doesn't hurt that bad but it is just relentless and nagging, and I have allowed myself to start imagining heart issues again, so that's not helping.

Like you I was an athlete before all this, I went mountain biking every Saturday, and was an avid martial artist, but since all this I Ave stopped it all. I did have about a month where I was doing karate again, but I got sick and could not breathe properly so I stopped again, and have yet to pick it back up.

I have not found a fix for all this yet, but I am trying alot of things, breathing, exercise ( when I can), and just trying to relax, the best thing I have found is occupying your mind so that it is distracted, if you do that you should notice that all the pains go away, the biggest key is to have patience, this issue did not happen overnight it built over time, and will take time to go away, just keep working on it.

If you are concerned that something good other than anxiety may be going on, then by all means go to the doctor, once they give you the all clear then you can start moving past the worries with the confidence that all is well. As for me I am tired of it, and I feel like I have lost the last 6 months of my life to this, and I'm done, I will go back to doing what I love and the anxiety will just have to deal with that, instead of me dealing with it.