View Full Version : Advice needed....

01-27-2012, 07:52 AM
Hi, im new to the forum and really need some advice on whether what i have could be anxiety or whether there might be a real problem?
For the last 2 weeks ive been feeling really dizzy and strange. It sort of feels like my head is too heavy and like my head is moving even when my head is still (almost like my brain is moving around inside?!) i have to physically support my head with my hand or rest it coz otherwise i feel really weird and like i might pass out or something. It seems to be at its worst when im sat still and not doing anything. Even if im sat at a computer i dont notice it so much but if i am sat watching tv or something it sometimes becomes unbearable and i have to lie down coz i feel so dizzy and light headed. I also have the feeling that when i move my head it takes my brain a second to catch up with it which is horrible.... Sometimes i have a kind of pressure in my head as well. I can find no real relation to what might cause it. Sometimes i get it when i moving, sometimes when im lying down. Sometimes its after ive eaten. Sometimes its in the morning/afternoon/evening. Sometimes its all day.I cant stand it any more! Ive been to the doc twice and they've checked me over and said they cant find any real cause but if it continues to go back etc. I go back and they say the same thing again! The second time she suggested it might be anxiety but im just not convinced that it is! Its so horrible and i get it when i feel pretty relaxed, i.e lying in bed at night. Im also getting lots of other symptoms but only occasionally such as tingling in my face or arms. Weakness in my limbs - particularly my arms. Occasional pain in both ears and the feeling of pressure in my ears. And the usual palpitations and chest pain that i get. But im sure that IS anxiety from stressing about all the other stuff! I'd really love some opinions on whether you think its all down to anxiety or whether i should be demanding some tests or something incase it really is a medical problem? I konw i sound a bit crazy but its driving me insane! Thanks in advance!

01-27-2012, 08:00 AM
Do you have dizziness allmost all the time, just the strenght of dizzines changes? By the way the same symptops here. And yes, sometimes those symptoms drive me insane too or just, the feeling im going insane. And u aren't crazy man, i know how u fell, got those symptoms allmost all the time, everyday for ~8months.

01-27-2012, 08:04 AM
Hi! Thanks for replying.... yeah i guess its pretty much constant but just varies in how bad it is. Very occasionally though i might realise that ive felt ok for the last few minutes or so though which is strange. This morning i went on a walk and felt ok, got back and sat on the sofa and it came back again! Sorry to hear you are going through it too. :-(

01-27-2012, 08:24 AM
Yeah, the same, we both need learn to not pay attention to how we feel, BUT its so f****** hard. The only thing that helps me is...It is just anxiety nothing bad can happen, go further.. And yes, don't avoid fears. Going thru bad period now, know how hard is to live like earlier with this.. And yes, i have tested everything, MRI's,CT's,Doppler's,Bloodtests,Ultrasonography's. Still worrying that something is wrong with my health.. :D Wanted to ask, how about alcohol, maybe it helps you?

01-27-2012, 08:33 AM
Sky, do you also feel psychologically distressed, fearful, troubled, sense something bad is going to happen soon, super edgy/nervous, very worried, etc? If so, likely anxiety. Alankay.

01-27-2012, 08:39 AM
Yeah its soooo hard to believe that anxiety can cause all of these symptoms! So frightening to experience them which just makes you worse really. Increases the anxiety coz you worry about what the symptoms might be from.... Ive not had any scans or anything but guess if the doctor was concerned she would have organised one. Thats what im trying to tell myself anyway! And no, im tee-total. Dont drink at all!
Hi Alan, yeah im an anxious person by nature and am very worried at the moment about all these symptoms etc. And definitely feel quite troubled by it all. Am being referred for counselling so hopefully that might help!

01-27-2012, 11:39 AM
Yeah you're rigth, even nothing can happen and stuff, your life quality is reduced pretty bad.. Hating it, when i feel allrigth( not so bad ) figting with my thoughts, when i feel really bad, then im afraid of symptoms.. Its like never end worry,fear.. I can't imagine people are suffering years, i'm at 8th month, and already i'm f***** up. Good luck to both of us.. Peace.