View Full Version : Weird Symptom Question..

12-11-2006, 10:42 AM
Hi everyone, this is my first post here & I guess like many people I’m seeking a bit of re-assurance. I’ve been suffering from anxiety to varying degrees for a number of years now & have had a number of symptoms from panic attacks to muscle twitching.

My question is, has anyone had an aching sensation around the eye, it seems to happen about once a minute. I’ve already been to the optician & been told nothing was wrong, but to come back if it worsened. Suffice to say this has not served to either quell my fears or diminish the symptom.

I try & re-assure myself that this is just another anxiety created symptom, but as I’m sure you’re all aware that is very difficult when you’re being driven mad by something. I oscillate between one minute having some perspective & the next minute thinking “this time it’s real!”. I could go back to the optician but in some way I feel that would be like admitting defeat. So I’ll probably just continue worrying...

Any thoughts would be appreciated!

12-11-2006, 10:46 AM
I have had the same thing happen to me, like sharp pains in my eye, along with the eye twitch, I read somewhere else that it's all part of the anxiety symptom list----anxiety can cause so many differant issues, seems the list goes on and on--

12-11-2006, 12:33 PM
Thanks rommelvon, good to hear it's not only me. Definately right about the variety of issues thing, seems like the mind can conjure up pretty much any symptom it likes..

12-11-2006, 05:34 PM
Yup I'd say for sure as well because although I didn't have the pain or aching in my eye, I've had that twitch LOTS. Especially, under lots of stress, sometimes a few days at a time.

12-11-2006, 05:59 PM
Lack of proper sleep can cause eye muscle twitching. If you are stressed you probably are not sleeping well (I know I sure am not!) so it could be tied in to that.

12-12-2006, 01:47 AM
yes I had the same thing.

Occasional pain around or behind one eye. I too went to the opticians and they saw nothing unusual.

Apparently anxiety can cause 'flitting' pain which is temporary and moves from one place to another.

I feel like my eye pain was linked to tension. The same tension which causes tension headaches. Tension headaches are caused by the muscles on your scalp neck forehead etc contracting. and so it would stand to reason that the muscles around your eye could be affected in the same way.

Also, I was told by a nutritionalist that you can get sore eyes from being dehydrated which is an effect of adrenaline, which is produced when your anxious.

As I've got less anxious my eye pain has pretty much disappeared.

12-12-2006, 05:37 AM
Thanks people, have been feeling a bit freaked out today by it, but reading these posts has given me re-assurance. It occurs to me that that although I often feel like a “weak” person for having such problems it actually takes quite a bit of strength of mind to soldier on through the day regardless! :)

06-17-2007, 09:50 AM
Hi all, thought I'd just post this update.

I saw my GP who was dismissive, but referred me to a consultant (as I had a letter from the optician instructing him to do so!) During this time I've also been receiving counselling. About a month ago the symptom began to be less noticeable & was non-existent by the time of the consultant appointment. Following a battery of eye tests I was given the all clear. I ended up having a chat with the consultant who prescribed me a drug called Lorazepam. I have not taken the drug as I'm not keen on medication & the fact that the counselling seemed to be working.

Although I've had a variety of worrying symptoms before I'd never would have believed that I could experience actual pain without a "physical" cause. I now know different. The fact is that although the cause may be psychological the symptoms can be just as distressing, particularly when they last for months.

Irony is I'm now getting weird abdominal discomfort/ burning sensation. I can't help feel visiting the doctor=defeat. Trying to tough it out but will probably end up with another fun visit to the GP..
