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01-24-2012, 04:53 PM
hello, im Anthony

im a 22 year old guy from stoke on trent england i have been suffering with anxiety now for around 7 years!

i had a bad stretch this weekend first big time in 5 years and i thought i would register as talking to people about my condition might help me...

and with other people on here such as my self i hope i can help in some ways i cope with things...

cant wait to a chat :)

01-31-2012, 12:25 PM
Hello Anthony, I'm Scott, aged 36. I too am from stoke (Biddulph). I've suffered from Anxiety for about 9 years now and have had some real bad experiences with this illness. I'm currently off work with it at the moment, just can't face going. Maybe we can give each other some moral support, perhaps meet up and have a chat sometime?. Let me know, Regards, Scott.