View Full Version : Feeling like im going to choke/stop breathing?

12-11-2006, 10:16 AM
My throat feels really wierd, It feels like its bloated and it hurts too. feels like ive got something stuck in it? does anyone else get this? its really worrying me :(

12-11-2006, 06:08 PM
Yes I get that quite often. It is very unerving especially when it happens after you eat...I think oh no I've eaten something I'm allergic to! Smothering and choking sensations are typical anxiety symptoms. That, and if you have problems with seasonal allergies, it could be sinus drainage irritating your throat and compounding the problem. I know my allergies have been awful this season.

12-11-2006, 07:47 PM
I've had the feeling of being "all choked up," the way the throat feels when a person is overcome with emotion.

12-12-2006, 12:57 PM
Hello. Yeah, I get the choking sensation too. If the panic attack or anxiety is bad enough I start to dry heeve and/or throw up. My experience with choking has been around since I started college. I have been an anxious person throughout my entire life, but it has gotten worse over the last four years. I have just taken it one day at a time and somehow, I have no idea how, just accepted it and moved on with life. I experience it about once every three days or more than once a day around stressful times like exams, speeches, group meetings, etc. It has definately affected my social life, work, and grades, but I am still getting by. I completely sympathize with you Haley. I know exactly what it feels like and I hope you figure out how to get rid of it! I am reading a book called the Feeling Good Handbook by David Burns which has helped.